'Oh, Growlithe, I hope you're okay,' Yuki thought, feeling worried.

"AHAHAHAHAH!!" Laughter interrupted the gang's thoughts.

They blinked and turned toward the source of the laughter, "Huh?"

A blue-haired boy that nearly looked like a cowboy was sitting with six other boys.

They were admiring the blue-haired boy's Pokémon.

"Wow, you're the man Damian," a boy with dark brown hair said.

"Hey, didn't you have a Growlithe too?" A boy with spiky hair asked.

Yuki perked up at that, 'Growlithe.'

"Yeah I had one, but that thing was so weak it couldn't even beat the weakest opponents," Damian replied in a British accent.

By now, Yuki, Brock & Willow were frowning.

"I don't like his attitude," Willow said.

"Yeah, it's not the fault of the Pokémon. It's the fault of the trainer," Brock stated.

"Exactly," Yuki nodded.

"So what did you do to it?" The spiky-haired boy asked.

"I left it on a big rock in the woods," Damian replied with a laugh.

"What?" Yuki gasped.

"That thing is so gullible, it believed me when I said I would come back for it. It kept following me, no matter what I did. It's probably still waiting for me," Damian laughed, his friends laughing with him.

"How dare he!" Brock growled.

"I can't believe that guy!" Willow said, angrily.

Yuki slammed her fist on the table, she got up from her seat and stomped over to where Damian was sitting. She grabbed him by his shirt collar and punched him so hard, giving him a nosebleed.

"What's your problem, you little brat?!" Damian asked, holding his bleeding nose.

"What's my problem? How dare you? You pathetic excuse for a Pokémon trainer. It's raining out there and Growlithe could get seriously sick or worst die. Yet here you are laughing like you did nothing wrong," Yuki glared at him as her eyes unconsciously glowed blue.

Damian whimpers.

Yuki tossed Damian into his friends, knocking them down like bowling pins.

"Willow, Brock tell Nurse Joy what happened, call Officer Jenny & don't let Damian leave," Yuki instructed as she grabbed an umbrella and quickly ran outside with Raiden.

"Wow, Yuki's cool," Willow said.

"And scary when mad," Brock nodded.


Meanwhile, Growlithe was still on the rock curled in a ball as the rain pelted his skin. He was hoping the rain would stop soon.

A flock of Spearow had appeared and started scratching Growlithe with their claws. Suddenly, they heard a voice; "Raiden use Swift!"

It was Yuki, who arrived just in time.

Raiden's tail glowed yellow and fired multiple yellow stars from them, chasing the Spearow away.

Yuki held her umbrella over Growlithe, "Growlithe I know I'm not your trainer, but I'm going to get you out of the rain."

Growlithe hesitated for a moment, "Growl..." It agreed.

Yuki gently picked up Growlithe, held the umbrella over all of them & ran as fast as she could to the Pokémon Center.


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