"I was honest. I keep being honest, but she won't fucking listen to me. She keeps accusing me, making me feel like I did something, keeps trying to say we slept together. I keep telling her no, I keep telling her I've kept my legs closed this entire time, but she won't listen. She doesn't trust me and what is a relationship without trust?"

I looked away from her, tears welling up in my eyes. I loved Beyoncé so damn much I just wanted to hold onto her and make her feel okay, make her forget or at least minimize that time she'd spent in there. But all we did was argue. I couldn't get my point across with her, and our anger was so much bigger than us.

"Well when she thought you were sleeping with Eric what did you do?"

"It's different now. I'm not getting on my damn knees to apologize for some shit I didn't do. We didn't sleep together, but she doesn't believe me."

Noir went quiet, and I did too.

"What all does she know about me?"

"That you were a teacher."

"That's all?"


"Did you tell her—"


"Why? Her friends saw, and if you don't tell her, they will."

I sighed. I knew Ebony and Nadine didn't actually want to keep a secret from Beyonce, but they were doing it for me. Still, no matter how much time we spent together, their loyalty would always lie with Beyonce. They were closer than blood. I just didn't want to lose her over something so trivial. At the same time, I didn't want to lose a good friendship either. So I was pushing the envelope a bit. At least until we stopped arguing all the time.

Noir was staring me down. She was a lot more practical than me, always told me the truth instead of what I wanted to hear.

"Why didn't you tell her Nic?"

I shrugged.

"You know."

"Noir I don't wanna get into this right now."

"You just wanna get into her wrongs, not yours, right?"

I cut my eyes at her, "You wanna get out?"

She stood up and came over. I watched her the entire way until she kissed me on my head like I was one of her students. "Tell her boo. She's never going to trust you if she hears that from somebody else."

As soon as she left, I sunk down in my chair. I was in a losing position and I didn't like to lose.

Houston, Texas
May 10
Nadine Bijoux

"Mama I—"

"NO. You went and you had a child that I knew nothing of until you JUST called me and have been hiding from me for ten years. Now you wanna call because she wants to meet us? Do you know how low that is Nadine? I bet my life that Beyoncé's mother has already met her."

I watched my daughter do her homework with Ebony on her side. She looked up at me and smiled.

If it weren't for her, this phone call would never have been made. If it weren't for that beautiful smile, I would have ended this phone call right after that jealous sentence.

She'd always been that way, but she couldn't blame another woman for taking care of a child that she didn't want. Her inability to be a mother to me yet the best to my twin brothers pushed me into another mother's arms, and she couldn't blame me for that.

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