My job I

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OMG guys this is like the first story am writing. Show love guys  ..........

"Ughhhhh" I groan as the brightness through my curtains struck my eyes . I get up and look in the mirror damn am a mess . My hazel eyes were still full from the sleep my brunette hair was let loose in a messy bun my lips were so dry I literally looked like a living zombie.
I admired my wonderful curve at least that's one thing about me that makes sense .. I chuckle at the thought ......
Wat time is it? "Fuck am late" I curse after checking the time my boss was definitely going to kill me ..
I walked into the bathroom and took a fast shower doing my other old boring morning routine.

Welcome to my boring life .
My name is Alexa. I was an orphan living alone in a very comfortable apartment. Most guys said I was a prostitute and that was why I had such a financially comfortable life but I knew so well where my money was coming from and it was from my hard work .. Pftt. I have been working at one of the biggest companies in the country being  an interior design company for ten years now since I graduated from high school.
Hahaa... I know u must be thinking "Ten frickin years" well yeah  I was a secretary to a super frickingly gorgeous man.
Damnnn saying he was handsome or hot was actually an abuse to God for creating such a person.

Forget about my boss I was actually still keeping the job because it payed extremely well and I didn't want to loose the opportunity of working for a really hot man.

Being his secretary, I had the chance to actually follow him around like I owned him or something lol pathetic right crushing on a man for years without him even noticing u exist... Haa..

It took my 30 whole minutes to get to the office plus how late I already was .
Sure my boss was going to fire me . Haa nope he wouldn't do that he adores my presence in that office without me it would probably be a reck. .......... I chuckle at the thought...

walked in to the office and entered the elevator to my office . I had an office directly opposite to my boss's office it felt so good to get a chance to glance at him more often ... As if karma wanted to catch up on me I see my boss coming out of his office with all his glory . His wonderful chest was visible in his blue shirt and then his ass was like "damnnn"  I shake my head to move the thought away when he finnally spoke his usually cold voice washing around me making it really hot in there even though the AC was working perfectly how could one of the most richest men not have a working Air conditioner .. Blah blah blah I literally think too much ..

"Your late Alex" That was the nickname he gave me ever since I started working for him or so I thought he actually told me he called me that coz my name was too long . "Alex" he says looking awkwardly at me snapping me out of my thoughts.

" Umm so sorry sir there was a lot of traffic" you should think of a much much more better lie Alexa coz this lie has been said more than necessarily..

" Get ready we have a meeting to attend in five minutes" he says walking away..
I couldn't help but look at his ass damn he was so hot .  I quickly pack my stuff and go to meet him in his car. The ride was getting because I had the chance to breathe in fresh air from the windows which I love so much .
To me fresh air was actually the best thing God created exactly with the man next to me which didn't even know I  exist except for the fact that I was his secretary. "Hmm" I released a long breathe I didn't know I was holding..

"Are you okay?" He asked with a little bit of concern in his tone . I couldn't help but look at his features he is  so handsome. His dark blue eyes shown brightly with the sun oh Alex you're so pathetic this guy will never ever notice a zombie like you he is  too good looking to come for you it will be blasphemy to his creator to have someone like you you're just so..
"Alex" he calls giving me a questioning look cutting my thought short . Shit u didn't realize I was still staring at him buh u can't blame me he's just too good looking to be human.

"I'm fine " I finnally say looking out the window .

..Ok lovelies rate my first chapter ...
Good or bad? Please comment I love to hear your opinions and what you think or feel..
Love u all lots of love and hugs mmuaaaw....

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2022 ⏰

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