Chapter 24

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Tall Boi: Tubbo are you excited? /lh


Queen: Couldn't tell /j

Birdman: Aren't Wilbur and Techno also there?

Nukes: Who cares about them /j

Little Piggy: :((((((((

Nukes: See bee can't even put a sad face the right way

Fox: Since when does Techno use bee pronouns? /genq

Birdman: Tech uses mirror pronouns, so it's Tubbo who uses bee/bees pronouns, among other ones.

Fox: What are mirror pronouns? /genq


Blob: An explanations channel


Birdman: @blob here you go

Birdman: I can also explain what mirror pronouns are

Birdman: Mirror pronouns are when someone uses whatever pronouns the person who they're talking to uses

Birdman: These can be in addition to other pronouns they use

Birdman: I'll use Techno as an explain since it uses mirror pronouns along with others.

Little Piggy: Yay I'm useful

Birdman: So Techno is genderfluid, using he/she/they/it/mirror pronouns. If she was talking to me, then he would also use crow/crows pronouns, since I use he/crow pronouns. So instead of he/she/they/it/mirror pronouns, it would use he/she/they/it/crow pronouns

Birdman: Obviously it changes person to person, but that's the general idea of what it's like.

Fox: Thanks for explaining /gen

Queen: Fundy you use /gen a lot

Fox: How else are people gonna know I mean shit? /genq

Transing all of your gendersHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin