Chapter 2

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The gay stuff server


Welcome Raccoon!

Welcome Whalebur!

Welcome Little Piggy!

Welcome Tall Boi!

Welcome Nukes!


Birdman: Hey guys go do an intro in #intros please, there's a template pinned, I'll do mine too

Little Piggy: Okay


Birdman: Name: Philza, but Phil works

Pronouns: he/crow

Gender: Male ftm

Age: 27

Hobbies: Minecraft and coding

Triggers: Nah mate! :)

Note: Glad to be here, be nice or I'll ban you

Little Piggy: Name: Techno

Pronouns: He/She/They/Mirror pronouns (using whatever pronouns you use)

Gender: Genderfluid

Age: 22

Hobbies: Minecraft and 'stabbing' orphans

Triggers: Self harm

Note: Oink

Whalebur: Name: Wilbur or Wil

Pronouns: She/He/It/Boom

Gender: Nonbinary

Age: 22

Hobbies: Making music

Triggers: Death

Note: Did you know Ant eaters are evil bastards?

Raccoon: Name: Uhhhhhhhh

Pronouns: uhhhhhhhh

Gender: uhhhhhhh

Age: 17

Hobbies: uhhhhhh

Triggers: uhhhhhhhhh

Note: I'm figuring shit out, I'll fix this when I know more

Tall Boi: Name: Ranboo, Ran

Pronouns: It/They/End/Bop

Gender: Nonbinary

Age: 17

Hobbies: Lil bit of everything

Triggers: Suicide and self harm

Note: I stim when I type some timessssssss

Nukes: Name: Tub(bo)

Pronouns: They/He/It/Bee/Nuke/Bun

Gender: ?

Age: 17

Hobbies: Blowing things up

Triggers: Random things?

Note: Boom bitch


Birdman: Okay, that's an interesting look of things there

Whalebur: Wydm Phil

Birdman: Intros are interesting

Birdman: @Raccoon didn't even fill out half of it

Birdman: Which is fine I'm aware Raccoon is figuring things out, but it's odd

Raccoon: Why are you just calling me Raccoon?

Birdman: Did you want me to use the pronouns you've stated up till now?

Raccoon: no

Birdman: Okay, so I'll just call you Raccoon for now

Raccoon: thanks

Tall Boi: Someone get Tub to do something other that scream at the tv

Whalebur: ?

Tall Boi: Buns watching south park and screaming about something

Nukes: Shush up Ran

Tall Boi: I'm not even speaking??????

Nukes: /:

Whalebur: Why the fuck is that the wrong way?

Tall Boi: Buns is odd like that

Whalebur: But- it's jsut- wrong

Tall Boi: Yeah we all know

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