-Chapter 3-

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[A Few Hours Later]
[Narrator's POV]

As Lilith was finishing the last stitching on the dress, she reads to Hunter and Skara who were listening to the story, "The princess, having grown to care for the cursed creature, went up to them-"

Skara and Hunter both lean closer, Skara with a huge smile on her face while Hunter was looking more and more weirded out as they both could guess what was about to happen next.

"Leaned closer-" Lilith says as she tries to keep herself from laughing at Skara nodding her head eagerly while Hunter was shaking his head, getting even more weirded out as the story continued.

"Aaaaaaand-" She says as she flips the page. "She kisses the cursed monster on the lips." Lilith gigged as Skara awed while Hunter let out a gagging sound at that part of the story.

"Then the cursed creature turned into a handsome prince. They got married and lived happily ever after. The end." Lilith says, finishing the story and the dress before looking at the two witchlets.

"Can you read it again? Please?" Skara asked while giving Lilith a pleading look.

Lilith chuckled, "I would but I'm afraid that it's time for Hunter and I to be heading back home." Hunter looked a little disappointed at that while Skara whined, "Awwwww!"

"But I'll make sure to bring Hunter along the next time I come here and if you want, I'll read it next time too." Skara perked up at hearing Lilith say that.

"Yay! I would love to hear it again! It's such a cute story!" Skara said with a huge smile on her face.

"How is hearing about a princess kissing a cursed creature considered cute?! I would never, ever, I mean NEVER kiss any creature, especially on the lips! Yuck!" Hunter exclaimed, making a grossed out face afterwards.

"Oooooooh really?" Skara says with a smirk. "Even if it was a prince asking you for a kiss!" Skara grabs her beast plushie. "Come on! Kiss them!" She says teasingly while putting it close to Hunter's face as other looked away while pushing the plushie away from his face and yells, "No! I won't do it!"

"Kiss them! Kiss them!" Skara said while making kissy faces at Hunter.

"I won't! I won't ever do it!"

"I would! I would kiss a cursed monster! I would kiss hundreds of them if I get to marry a prince and be a princess." Skara says dreamily before kissing the beast plushie to prove that she would actually do it. "And when I'm a princess, the first thing I'll do is make you my personal guard!" She exclaims with a smile.

Hunter's eyes and smile widen at the thought of being a guard. "That would awesome! I would be the best guard ever!" The two witchlets start laughing while Lilith smiled as she was packing up her sewing utensils.

The three of them hears the door open as Skara's dad walks in.

"I hope I'm not coming in on a bad time."

"Daddy!" Skara runs over to her dad.

He smiles and picks her up before looking at Lilith. "Thank you for coming to make another dress for my daughter as well as watching her while I was working. I hope it wasn't too much trouble."

Lilith smiles. "It was no trouble at all. I don't mind. Not to mention my son and her really seemed to have gotten along so if you don't mind, I'd like to bring him with me again so they can play together while I work."

"Can she, daddy?! It was a lot of fun having someone else to play with!" Skara exclaimed while holding on her dad.

Her dad looks at Lilith and says with a smile, "I don't mind, especially if my daughter wants him to come back to play."

"Wonderful." Lilith says before grabbing her sewing bag. "Well Hunter and I should be heading home as it is getting late."

Hunter holds onto Lilith's hand as they head to the front door while Shara's dad walks them out, still carrying Shara.

"Until next time." Lilith says as Skara's dad gives her the snails that she was promised for her work before she and Hunter walked out the door.

"Of course. See you soon" He says as Skara waved and yelled bye to them.

Lilith and Hunter wave goodbye before heading back to the Owl house.


As Lilith and Hunter were walking, Lilith looked at Hunter. "So, did you have fun while there?"

Hunter looks at his mother and smiles a little. "Yeah. I had a lot of fun. Though Skara was a little weird."

"Oh? How so?" Lilith asked.

"Well who wouldn't be a little weird for being willing to kiss hundreds of cursed creatures?" Hunter claims while sticking his tongue out, still grossed out at the thought of kissing a cursed creature.

Lilith chuckles before saying, "Perhaps. Though your auntie Eda's lifestyle could be seen as a little weird by other people too, don't you think?"

Hunter thought for a moment before answering, "I guess it is a little weird."


Hunter yelps and holds onto his mother's dress before looking to see Hooty.

"OH! SORRY, HUN-HUN! DIDN'T MEAN TO SCARE YOU, LITTLE BUDDY!" Hooty yells while giving Hunter an apologetic look.

"I-I wasn't scared. You just caught me by surprised, Hooty." Hunter says, trying to seem tough while still holding onto his mother's dress.

"Hello, Hootcifer. Is Edalyn and King home already?" Lilith asks the weird bird house demon.

"YEP! EDA IS IN THE MIDDLE OF MAKING A POTION!" Hooty says in an excited tone as Hunter's face lit up in excitement.

"Really?! I want to help."

Lilith chuckles, "Well then let's hurry home before Eda finishes the potion and thinks that we got attacked by a beast demon."

Hunter smiled as he ran to the owl house with his mom following behind.

Hopefully you enjoyed this as much as I did!
Have a good day or afternoon or night!
[Word Count: 1,016]

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09 ⏰

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