27. Coldness

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Bri -Oh, you can't hear me cry
See my dreams all die
From where you're standing
On your own
It's so quiet here
And I feel so cold
This house no longer
Feels like home
Ooh, mm
Ooh, mm
Oh, when you told me you'd leave
I felt like I couldn't breath
My aching body fell to the floor
Then I called you at home
You said that you weren't alone
I should've known better
Now it hurts much more it really does. It really does hurt.

It hurts much more than I anticipated it hurting because but now instead of. of joy, it's just a lot of heartbreak and you know downfall it's very depressing. It's like all the joy I gotten so long for me caulking in the back and the way that we are Siri very I am so excited but you still want to be kind to those around you because you never really know what a person is going through kill you, you never really know a person until you break into the room.

I know I said that before, but Maddie wrote in her prophecy that she was always an inner turmoil when she was with the people that made her feel tiny stupid and idiomatic I'm very proud of Maddie for getting away from these people, and realizing there is more to life than what we see on the television.

but it's still there. The pain is still there so you always try not to get emotionally attached I think that's what scares me never really never really don't know get to the point either sick or make it neon up together. It's always charcoal on cell watch the whole shit like that.

It's really tell everyone that you're confident that well maybe everybody will be nice to each other and respect you, but you always let down the end when people show their true and ugly colors.

I am really proud of Maddie for dealing with everything that she dealt with, but I just wish she would've known that she could've asked for help because she would've gotten in trouble because none of it was your fault. They sell car friends, but why can't I will save her Maddy
always tells me that .

I'm a hero because well we're both recovering people who are recovering from abuse very hard like you think about it to the point where are you almost you can't and you don't really know a person until you are on break into their nasty self like I said, I often wonder why am I an idiot for not seeing into people is the mileage

I tell myself all the time that it's not my fault so I need to stop being so hard on my shelf ideas to get into creeks and cracks of people that I don't really belong with but then you meet your people along the way and tell yourself OK it just took time and that was all I ever needed to know is the time in the what is the time in the work and effort, if you will have these people .

Doll house 🏠 Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora