5: stars

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Chris -
it was aware evening off and hard all the horrific memories of our boss taunting us. GIP came flooding back. We were all looking up at the stars and just wondering how years and tango by and how it's not really on your side. I'm grateful to have met Liz and be happy that we are together still buy all the curveballs Jay YP try to go and failed miserably.

I still remember the reality show like it was yesterday the flashback Echo through my head and I froze for a second. I froze so she meant to say that I wasn't sure how to feel.


OK everyone is elimination round. Please take your places. I am really sorry I have to do this, but the members I have to eliminate are Minho because you just lack tremendously. It's embarrassing and Felix. You know I'm limiting you you can't speak Korean fluently and it's embarrassing. Do you have any idea who I am

I'm sorry everyone it's time to say your goodbyes. I remember burst in hysterics, and I told Felix to always always always find me. Yeah, I'm not gonna leave you behind, and

I never did leave him behind because for whatever reason Jp decided, he was going to change his mind because the stage you're mad at him for a living in Felix, and I can't imagine life without Felix to be exact so it's really tough just realizing what we're going through and now I have this an imagine of an indescribable burning my throat I don't even think I'll get the words out for.

Felix -

how time flys by
years ago

I was Kid with dreams, and I didn't realize just how quickly Dreams  could die,

especially at the hands of a man and JYP he tried to to eliminate me. It was successful, but then all the stays  got mad at him.

so he brought me back which is really nice which I mean it wasn't nice he had to do what he did to me but it was nice to finally come back and be with the boys. I won't forget everybody crying when I left, but it felt so good to return.

Lee know -
I'm very grateful to be where I am today but I hate my boss is a burning passion. I really wanna break free from him but I can't one day soon though maybe in the future I'll be able to break away from Jp but I don't know I'm just very grateful that I had to love of  my life.
Her name is Bri she's truly a gift .

Changbin -
I often try to burn the memories at the survival show out of my head. I just feel like something is horrible is lurking in the shadows. I'm waiting to pop up on us so I don't really know how to think or breathe probably at the moment and I'm kind of scared and upset but I'm just really hopeful that things are gonna get better.

I still remember like we were on the survival show yesterday it's been about five years now but everything just kinda changes quickly and it's really really tough to be grateful for the experience because that survivor show is very mentally traumatizing.

I mean JYP is an ass and he made us think that we were never gonna see each other again oh I still remember crying so hard my nose plugged it up with tears and I remember Felix was crying and I was crying because I really like the kid he's a nice boy, but his Maddie completes him.

It's like she's the male version of him well female I should say and " the male  of her. They're both very intelligent and funny but Maddie she's got a caring nature to her that

I just can't except like I wish I had a person like Maddie but I'm mad at JYP  for the games that he played and I'm happy that the boys have their people but I'm still mad at him for what he did.

Hyunjin -
The time in memories man and get you when you least expect it and that's the hardest part because you're really trying to just break through everything that you work through any realize or maybe I did something to deserve this treatment know .

I didn't do anything all I wanted was to go across the world and being idle and I don't mean by my best friends right away but JYP
had to play mind games with us and I still haven't forgiven him for that.


sometimes the traumatic events from the survival show and the girl is poison. Just lives on your head rent free and I hate it.

I hate that so much. I'll never forget when Chris found Liz and she was barely cleaning on the life or when Felix found Maddie and try to do CPR but was too much for him so he passed out on the floor with her and laid with her until he put himself in the cardiac arrest you to worry himself sick so he didn't learn anything from the survival show.

I feel like JYP uses us as bread money. But there's nothing I can do about that other than sit and wait in line  for freedom.

Han -
I will never fully forgive Jp for what he's done especially since he poisoned kairn  I'm still mad at him
And I haven't fully moved on from you either, because like I almost died because I thought something had happened to the love of my life and

I can't accept that not to mention the mind games that he plays that's the worst. One of all is my games that he played with us during that survivor show really pissed me off because he eliminated everybody but the four of us and then got a huffy and puffy when we weren't as good as the floor well,

I'm sorry sir did you not realize it was the eight of us that was your dream team? Goddamn, Jay YP you never think things through. I will never forget seeing all the others cry especially Changbin those are just some moments that stick with you for the rest of your life that he liked it or not, and that's the worst part ever.

I still haven't fully forgiven JYP for what he did to us. I haven't really forgiven him for what he's done to us and I don't know if I'll ever be able to forgive him. I don't know if I will have a be able to forgive him for what he's done to us because in my mind, he did a really
Callous, thing

he put peoples lives on the line and like what he did was just despicable like a despicable human being, like who who does that to another human being like Niall, that he actually boys in the garage Elizabeth and told us everything and then it got more real when Chris passed out and then you know Bree came really has really brought a lot of closure.

I think to the boys because she's really good at company people but just a little bit more deeper than Maddie but I didn't that she's, she's a great girl makes you feel like your problems actually mad and I was embarrassed to say that I was in the midst of a problem with the aftermath really of the torture.

Yeah, I am head really really I mean really with the aftermath of everything because you don't think that it can happen to you you really don't.

I don't think that your boss could harm you scariest thing to me is that like I didn't realize how dangerous boss actually I didn't realize that I was in a very dangerous situation and I had no idea and to me it's really scary because I don't like what's happening. When's it going to happen to me that's the worst part

and I am yeah it's really scary with confidence that scares me so then that there is hungry you just you just think OK baby I am it

I realize my boss should've been happy for us and know that is it for starting relationships but unfortunately and his sick mine that's not the case.

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