A Shocking Discovery

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We agreed on freeing the Dungeon Master, only issue? How do we free a powerful being from their petrified state? No one knew, so we agreed to split up to find info. Shark went with Nathan to the east wing, while Moose and I explored the west wing. 

    Me and moose saw a few more murals, some were depicting battles from the war, others were songs and praises to warriors or generals. But I hadn’t seen a single thing about the master's friend, the one he sacrificed himself for, and that bugged me. Seems like Moose noticed it as well.

    “Yo man these carvings are cool and all but somethings bugging me.” He said.

    “Oh? What is it?”

    “I think it was on the plaque, or maybe it was you or Shark who said it, but didn’t something mention that Dungeon Master have a bestie or something? Why haven’t we seen anything about this guy?” Moose asked worried and confusion etched on his face.

    “I don’t know...” I admitted. “But you’re right, it is concerning.” 

“Maybe Shark or Nathan found something about him?” Offered Moose. For some reason I doubted it, but I forced a smile and nodded. We continued to explore in silence, pressing deeper and deeper into the dungeon, ‘I hope Shark and Nathan are alright.’

    Shark’s pov: After we split up, me and Nathan ran into an immediate issue, neither of us could make heads or tails of the writings. 

    “Uuuuuhhhhhhhhh, should we go back?” I asked.

    “Uumm, how about we continue to look around and when we meet back up with Sabre and Moose we’ll bring them here so he can translate. Ok?” Nathan offered. It was a solid plan, besides we had no idea where they went. I nodded and we continued to look around. 

    We saw more paintings and statues, events I’ve heard of from Gran’s stories, others I had no clue about. Eventually we made our way outside into a courtyard. It was probably a beautiful garden once, but now it was overgrown. Lining the outside was a stone wall, and in a corner there was a circle of 5 statues. They were old and overgrown but I knew who they were. “The circle of creation!” I gasped.

    “The what?” Nathan responded, clearly confused.

    “The circle of creation, it’s the title given to the 6 original creators.” I explained.

“Do you mean 5?” Nathan asked. 

“What? No 6, I know what I’m saying.”

“Then why are there only 5 statues?” He asked, pointing at the circle.

Taking a second look I realized Nathan was right. There were only 5 statues, the 6th spot was empty. “Weird… there should be 6.”

“Let’s check it out.” Nathan suggested already walking towards the circle. I followed behind him, and when we got to the empty spot I was horrified by what I saw.

“We need to tell the others about this!”

Sabre pov: Me and Moose circled through the west wing and it was fairly boring. There were times I had to warn and steer Moose away from traps or cages, there was a good reason I didn’t have any group go south.

    As Moose and I were waiting in the main chamber Moose asks, 

    “Hey man, do- do you think we’re weird?” This startled me. But the look on his face told me he meant it, and so I told him the honest truth.

    “Well when we first met I thought you 3 were a bit, eccentric. But I didn’t think you were weird.”

    “Don’t lie, I won't tell the others, just be honest with me!” He had tears near the corner of his eyes now. “You think it’s weird that we wear these outfits, or how we talk, or how we act, or or how Shark always wears his sunglasses, or my obsession with Moose Milk, or- or!” 

    “Ok that’s enough of that!” I said, shushing him. He looked shocked, and a little sad too. “I just said I don’t find you guys weird, I’m not lying. And if I’m being 100% honest I’m shocked you guys aren’t weirded out by me.” This caught his attention. “Everyone in the village avoids me, or gives me funny looks, it’s nerve racking. So I limited my contact and time with them, to ‘protect’ myself from them. But it still hurt, so I stopped talking. The only one who didn’t treat me differently was Shark's grandma, because she knows.”

    “Know what?” Moose asked, drying his eyes with the sleeve of his onesie.

    “Why I came to their village, why I wear this blindfold over my eyes, why I like her stories about the past, why I can read ancient texts.” I looked down as I explained. “The point is, I don’t see you guys and weirdos, I see 3 friends having fun their way, 3 friends that I’m glad to have now.” I looked at him smiling while I said that last part. Moose was smiling too, and we would have gone in for a hug if we didn’t hear the loud echo of footsteps. Shark and Nathan came running full tilt into the chamber completely out of breath. 

“Wow! Guys are you ok?” Moose asked, concerned for his friends.

“You breath need breath to see breath this!” Shark said in between breaths.

“Bro calm down and breathe. Now, what happened?” I asked, growing more and more concerned.

“We saw the circle of creation! But one of the statues was destroyed!” Nathan blurted out. Once again I became paralized. 

“Which one?” I asked Shark.

“The Creator of Origins! The one closest to the Dungeon Master." He explained. And with that sentence the room caved in around us.

The Stone Master, and The Blindfolded CreatorWhere stories live. Discover now