Trainging Camp Begins

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Hey guys so I got some good news and bad news. Bad news is tie wattpad site on my laptop is being difficult it will not let me post any new chapters. I can't even read people's stories in peace without some form of difficulty. I can't even post a problem on the help center. My good news is my friend is going to lend me her laptop to see if it is just my grandma of a laptop. Also I have went through so much difficulty to get this part up. So please give me all your options.

It was Tuesday and this evening the group of four, were going to leave for training camp after school. They were exhausted; Kirijo if possible had added more training sessions. They couldn't tell him no sense he is their main rehabilitee. He seemed to like to push Hikaru, Alex, and Souhei almost to exhaustion then let them rest only to do it again right after school. Michiyo's eyes were killing her. She was tired of looking at pictures of body parts and injuries. She was tired of watching films. Which reminded Michiyo that she had to go over them film she watched with Hikaru...If Hikaru had time. Hikaru's class homeroom teacher had quit leaving the kids with no homeroom teacher. So the class was going crazy. Kids in the back were doing their makeup and fixing their hair. Other kids were throwing a basketball around. In all the class was loud and crazy. Hikaru sat in the back with his beats on asleep on his desk. Michiyo sat beside Hikaru reading her book. Souhei played Flappy Bird on his cell phone, sometimes the group would hear a couple of whispered choice words from the boy. Alex sat in his desk eating the treats that Michiyo had made for him. A short woman walked in and yelled at the class.


Of course the class didn't listen.

"HEY!!!"The woman shouted again

Again the class didn't listen. The woman got mad then she grabbed her book and started to slam it on the desk. This got the class attention. Well everyone except our normal four.

"I am Sylvia Clark and I will be your new homeroom teacher..."she said

Everyone looked at her with confusion. It was then Sylvia noticed the four, she started to make her way back to them.

"Miss. Clark don't do it! Don't mess with them...Hikaru, Souhei, and Michiyo are at the top of our class!"Megan said

"What about Alex?"Miss. Clark asked

"No one messes or talks about his grades in fear of Hikaru and Souhei."Kyle said

Miss. Clark walked back to the back, she had just started this job and she wasn't going to let four immature teenagers stop her from showing the principal she could do a good job. She finally made it to the back and snatched Hikaru's beats of his head, then she grabbed Michiyo's book. Then she walked over and grabbed Souhei's phone, and grabbed Alex's snacks.

"Oi!"Alex said jumping up

"The four of you can get these items after class."Miss. Clark said walking to the front

"I was listing to that.....and I already know the info you're going over today."

Miss. Clark turned around to reply, but froze once she saw the look in the student's eyes that spoke. That student was none other than Sawamura Hikaru.

"Hikaru's right Teach, I mean we're your top three students and you're going to make us listen to information we already know? I mean how much do we have to be bored before this school decides it's enough?"Souhei asked

Miss. Clark froze, but she noticed the girl in the group Michiyo give her an apoplectic smile. The bell rung and with that Homeroom was over. Hikaru got up and walked out with Souhei...Michiyo reached into her backpack and pulled out a bag of candy and handed it to Alex. Alex smiled and quickly started to eat the snacks.

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