"Let go!" I warn.

He loosens his grip, but keeps his hand wrapped around my elbow. "Can we talk? Go somewhere quiet?"

"No, we can't," I say, attempting to free my arm.

He doesn't like that answer.

"Why are you being a bitch?"

"Because I want to be," I retort. "And I can do what I want now without you hanging over my every move."

He clenches his jaw and squeezes my arm, that familiar look present in his eyes. I've seen it countless times. He wants to hurt me. It's like he can't control his anger. I've said something that hurts him, and he'll respond in the only way he knows how. Violence.

"Take your hands off her now."

Freddie's demand is as calm as it is terrifying. Neither Josh nor I expect it and for a brief second, I'm sure he'll relent. Hell, Freddie's firm gaze and powerful stance is enough to have me frightened and he's not even aiming it at me.

"Fuck off, pig!"

My insides twist as fear descends over me in waves. I don't want to cause a scene at James and Sloan's party. I don't want Nan and Helen to have to see Josh again.

"Josh, please," I plead.

I fucking hate that he's making me beg.

"Now, Josh," repeats Freddie.

He doesn't listen. In fact, the smirk on his face would suggest he's enjoying yielding all the power. Freddie—seeing this—is forced to physically infiltrate. He positions himself in front of me, acting like a human shield and places one hand on Josh's arm and the other on his chest. He applies enough pressure to have Josh lose his grip without causing either of us any injury. I immediately take a step back, ignoring the pain in my arm. I don't want to give Josh the satisfaction of hurting me.

"You need to keep your nose out of our business," snarls Josh, entering Freddie's personal space.

"Ana is my business," he replies.

Josh side-eyes me, furious. "You're fucking him?"

I say nothing.

"It didn't take you long." He tuts. "God, you're such a slut."

Freddie clenches his jaw but manages to keep his cool. I, on the other hand, do not. I know he's only saying this to get a reaction out of me. And I know I shouldn't entertain his childish behaviour. But I also know if I don't say what's on my mind, I'll regret it for the rest of my life.

"Oh, I waited, Josh. I waited six years," I explain, stepping closer. "Six years for you to get your shit together."

He says nothing which means I've finally got his attention.

"There's isn't an area on my skin that you haven't bruised, bitten or burned."

Freddie subconsciously moves closer, no doubt needing to feel close to me as I detail the years of abuse I put up with for the first time out loud.

"So, go ahead and call me a slut. Judge me for moving on within a month of finally leaving your arse because I. Don't. Care. I don't care. I don't value your opinion. Your words don't touch me anymore. You don't matter to me anymore."

By the time I'm done, I'm practically in his face and I feel fucking fantastic. The weight that shifts in indescribable. Finally getting that off my chest is better than any therapy session. Josh looks full of rage, but I don't let it dampen my spirits. I won't let him take this moment away from me. For once—however—he doesn't direct his anger towards me. Instead, he turns to Freddie and decides to pick a fight with the man trained to handle these very situations.


"Does she scrunch her nose when she comes for you too?"

How pathetic he feels the need to stoop so low.

Freddie ignores him.

"COME ON!" he goads, shoving Freddie's shoulder. "I once made her scream by fucking her from behind."

I have no idea how he does it, but Freddie remains collected and simply takes hold of my hand in an attempt to walk away. Josh—however—has other ideas. He pushes Freddie from behind, causing him to leave go of my hand in order to address the situation.

"You need to stop now," he warns.

"Why? Are you going to hit me, pig?"

Freddie says nothing but clenches his fists.

"Go on, hit me!" he challenges. "FUCKING HIT ME!"

Freddie steps into his personal space, towering over him by at least a foot. "I'm not going to hit you, Josh."

"Why?" he asks, squaring up to him.

"Why?" repeats Freddie, looking at him like he's the dumbest man alive. "Why won't I hit you?" He looks at me, briefly softening his gaze for my benefit. "Because that woman there deserves nothing but the best from me. And thanks to you, she's seen enough violence to last her a lifetime."


"Goodbye, Josh," he states, power striding towards me and leading me back towards where the others have all congregated around a table of cocktails.

I'm in shock as Nic puts a glass of strawberry daiquiri in my hands. Freddie's response was perfect. He was perfect. I've never thought about it properly, but I don't know how I would react to seeing Freddie violent. He's right. I've experienced enough of it to last me a lifetime. And as much as he wanted to punch Josh in the face, he didn't. Because of me. Because of what it would've done to me.

"Are you okay?" he whispers, snaking his arm around my waist.

I lean into the embrace, a little overwhelmed by my feelings for him.


I nod.

"I'm so fucking proud of you," he states, aiming his declaration down my ear.

My eyes fill with moisture, and I can't contain the tears that spill over. "I'm proud of me too."

I look up at him and he quickly kisses away my tears, tucking me under his arm. I have no reason to feel unsafe when Freddie is holding me like this. I've no doubt Josh has left with his tail between his legs. I hope I never have to see him again. I hope he got the message.



He looks down at me with nothing but fondness in his eyes.

"Take me home."

At first, he's concerned so I elaborate, hoping he understands my intentions.

"Take me to your home."


Hello, lovely! 💕


I just LOVE how Freddie responds to this situation! Ana doesn't need another violent man in her life.

And I highly recommend you read this chapter in his POV... you'll thank me later! 😉

Nan and Helen were tame in this chapter. But just wait until they get to the wedding... OH HELL! 😈

Speak soon,

Rebecca xo

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