When Ana confronts her new neighbour after being kept up all night by his sex noises, she's mortified to discover he's none other than Freddie-the police officer who arrested her abusive ex-boyfriend last month.
The pair interact only when necessar...
My sergeant doesn't like it when I break down doors, but sometimes it's necessary. Sometimes, civilians resist and it's up to me to intervene.
"Police, drop your weapon!"
Joshua Reynolds is a twenty-seven-year-old white male who—according to his girlfriend—cannot control his anger. She called us eight minutes ago when he thought waving a kitchen knife under her nose was an appropriate response to having a stressful day at work.
It's my job to remain impartial. I'm not supposed to have an opinion, but fuck—I hate this man. The way he's raising his voice and towering over the woman he claims to love is sickening. It takes all my training and strength not to punch the stupid prick.
"Drop your weapon," I repeat, reaching for my canister.
Caroline—my partner—approaches from the other side, hand on her taser. I'm not yet equipped, having missed the training day when my brother—Jamie—was in hospital last year.
"Josh, listen to me," I begin, reasoning with the bloke. "If you don't drop the knife, my partner here is going to taser you and it will hurt. A lot."
He swings his blade around to me in a threatening manner and I mase him, watching him drop to the ground seconds later. Caroline seizes this moment and cuffs him, reciting him his rights.
"Joshua Reynolds, I'm arresting you on suspicion of assault. You do not have to say anything. But it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given as evidence."
Caroline doesn't flinch. In all honesty—she's had worse.
"Ana—tell them I didn't hurt you!"
Caroline proceeds to remove Josh from the room, which is the first thing officers usually do in situations like these. It's what's expected of us. What isn't expected—however—is the tug I feel in my stomach when I look down at Ana—the woman I've not stopped thinking about since I met her last year.
The woman who's now looking at me like she needs me.
Fuck—she remembers me.
"Yeah, it's me. You're okay."
She single handedly nursed my brother—Jamie—back to health following a serious injury, and I'll never forget that. I'll never forget her.
"I'm scared," she admits, throwing her arms around my neck. "I'm so scared."
"Don't be," I say, holding her. "I've got you."
And I'm never letting go.
Hello, lovely! 💕
It feels good to be back, bringing you your fix of Hudson brother goodness.
On a scale of 1-10, how hyped are you for this story? I'm sitting comfortable at around 1,000,000 right now 😉 HAHA!
Thank you so much for reading & supporting. I honestly couldn't ask for a better tribe!!
Love ya lots,
Rebecca xo
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