Hello Seattle

21 1 0

November 16
7:06 am

The screeching wheels of the bus pulled to her corner. People were oblivious to the new girl, with her messy hair and Zeppelin t-shirt. She quietly took a seat in the middle of the bus.

She didn't want to seem like a goodie and sit way in front. Maybe this way someone would notice her. Or maybe not.

She kept to herself as everyone was quite aquatinted with one another. They laughed and joked, Blair desperately wished she could be a part of that.

She was never good at making friends, back in Maryland she didn't have many. So when her dad told her they were moving to Seattle, her heart died a little.

It wasn't all bad, maybe this could be a fresh new start for her. Before she started, Blair practiced exactly what she was going to say and how she was going to say it about a million times in her head.

When it came down to it, she couldn't speak. Her voice didn't work, it was as if she were possesssed by a shy demon.

The whole bus ride there she was ignored, except for the paper ball that was thrown at her head.

She stepped off the bus last, into a vast school campus that made her heart quiver with nervousness.

She needed to get to the office, but where in the hell was it? The bell rang to get to class and Blair desperately went down the halls hoping to find something that could help.

Lockers, classrooms, and late kids.

No help here. Then, by some heavenly act she turned a corner to face a door with big bold letters.


Yes! She thought to herself as she opened the door. There was a lady behind a desk, with long red nails, and a really big hairdo talking on the phone. She seemed busy, so Blair quietly sat on the chairs.

"... I'm tellin ya, he's gonna leave her if she doesn't get it together." The lady said.

Blair sat for about ten minutes, then had about enough. "E-excuse me." She gave Blair a look that said 'what do you want?'

"I, uh.. I'm new here and I'm not sure where I'm supposed to go."

The lady whose name tag said 'Angie' went back to her conversation, "Listen Lenore, I gotta go I'll call ya inna minute. Okay? bye."

She hung up the phone and turned to Blair looking slightly annoyed. "Name?"

"Blair Admeyer."

She shuffled through some files and finally pulled out a sharp paper that had a lust of room numbers on it.

She slid the paper to Blair and without another word, called her friend back as promised. Since this Angie could no longer be of service, Blair left.

Her first class, English room b-35. Luckily to her convenience, it was just down the hall.

There she stood, face to face with the door. She was alone in the hallway, and terrified to go in the class. What would people think of her? She was so strange, even the way she dressed.

Eventually she gathered the courage deep in the bowels of herself and pulled open the door causing full attention on her.

Even the teacher looked surprised. Everyone stared at her, waiting for a move or statement something.

With a jittery voice Blair spoke up, "I uh, I'm new and i was told to come here." She handed the teacher her schedule.

The woman glanced over it and walked to an empty desk in front. She motioned for Blair to sit and she did so.

Flowers for Kay.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon