I miss you, Little Brother

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A month goes by and Tadashi refuses to see Hiro. Aunt Cass visits him at least twice a day. She always brings his favorite snack and eats it "with" him. She mainly just eats one herself and then leaves him one. She's gone in the morning before Tadashi wakes up and is back before he leaves for school. And then she goes at night after dinner.

Aunt Cass keeps asking Tadashi to join her, saying that Hiro might benefit from hearing his brother be there, but he refuses. He can barely stand to see Hiro's empty side of the room, he can't bear to see him in that hospital bed, knowing it was because of him. He's been reading Hiro's letter a lot, but sometimes that just makes the situation worse.

"Tadashi, I know you don't want to see him, but it would be good for him to hear your voice. He really cared about you," Aunt Cass insists. "Please."

Tadashi sighs and shakes his head. "Sorry, Aunt Cass. But... but just not today." He leaves and gets on his scooter to ride to school. When he gets there, he eats some breakfast with his friends before going to his classes. No one says anything about Hiro. At least until the afternoon.

Tadashi goes to his lab to work on his final project that's due next week. His friends come in, but he doesn't say anything.

"Tadashi, what are you doing here?" Wasabi asks him, sounding almost annoyed.

"Working." He answers without looking at them.

"Yeah, that's what you're always doing. Why aren't you with your aunt? She needs you today."

"She's fine." He argues.

"It's his birthday!" Gogo yells. "You should be there not here!"

He didn't answer, but he did stop working. Today was Hiro's fifteenth birthday, and Tadashi is trying to do whatever he can to avoid going to see him. Hiro should be out with his friends, making jokes about him getting older. Or begging Tadashi to teach him how to drive. Or normal kid stuff! Not lying in a hospital bed with machines helping him breathe and eat.

"It's not a big deal," he said quietly after a minute.

"How is that not a big deal?" Wasabi asks sarcastically.

"A few years ago, we found you crying because he wrote you a letter for Father's Day. You always talked about him. I can't remember a single time since we've met you that you've missed his birthday or anything else with him." Gogo insists. Tadashi didn't say anything.

"We know it's been hard Tadashi," Honey Lemon said as she put a hand on his shoulder. "But Hiro needs his brother. If he didn't, he wouldn't have gone in to save you."

Tadashi sighs. "You're right, I know you are. I just don't know if I can handle seeing him like that."

"What if we went with you?" Fred suggests.

Tadashi smiles sadly. "Could you?" Fred laughs as he puts an arm around his shoulder.

"Of course. What else are friends for?" He jokes.

They get to the hospital and Tadashi stops outside of Hiro's room, hesitating before going in.

Honey Lemon holds his hand and squeezes. Tadashi takes a deep breath before finally opening the door and walking in. He goes to sit beside Hiro and grabs his hand. He has so many things rushing through his head that he's not sure what to say. His friends sit around him and his brother in the empty chairs or just stand at the foot of his bed. Tadashi nearly laughs when he sees the latest treat Aunt Cass brought.

Hiro was laying on the bed, eyes closed. He wasn't wearing his read shirt anymore, and instead was wearing a hospital gown. He was breathing on his own again and the bandages were gone. His arms were burned badly and covered in patches of red and bright pale scars. It made Tadashi gulp and take a deep breath before he spoke.

"Hey, knucklehead," Tadashi tries to joke with Hiro. "I-uh- I'm sorry I haven't been around. I wasn't sure you'd really want to see me, or that I'd want to see you. Anyway, Happy Birthday. When you wake up, we'll be sure to celebrate. And...gah! Why'd you run in there?" he asks angrily as a tear falls down his cheek. "I went in to save Callaghan, and then not only did I fail to do that, but you got hurt too! You were never supposed to be there. So, why'd you, do it?" He put his head in his hands, getting upset. He knows he's not answering. He just felt like it had to be said.

"I didn't want to lose you," a small voice whispers. Everyone in the room gasps as Tadashi opens his eyes to see his brother looking at him. His big brown eyes were starting to fill with tears. Tadashi throws his arms around him and squeezes him so tight Hiro cries out, so he pulls back. "Just be careful," he tells him quietly.

Tadashi laughs before Aunt Cass pushes him out of the way. Then she gives Hiro a hug and a moment later, reaches out for Tadashi, and pulls him close. When they pull back, Tadashi's friends give him a hug.

"I told you it would be good for him to hear from you," Aunt Cass tells him and he laughs before wiping a tear off his cheek. "Oh! I almost forgot. I brought cake!" Hiro laughs.

"Cake? How long have I been out?" He asks warily.

"A month and a half, buddy." Tadashi tells him. "You're fifteen now. Congrats, you're getting older!" He jokes and Hiro punches his arm before wincing. "You alright?"

He nods. "Yeah. So, cake?" Hiro asks with a smirk. Everyone laughs as Tadashi ruffles his hair and Aunt Cass lights the candles.

Everyone sings Happy Birthday to him before he blows out his candles. They spend the rest of the day laughing and celebrating Hiro finally waking up.

Hiro spent a while in recovery before finally coming home. When he did, another party was thrown. He finally got his chance at SFIT and loved it. He and his brother finished school and were very successful.

Tadashi became famous for his creation of Baymax, and Hiro became a billionaire for his creation of micro-bots once he remade them. They lived long and happy lives.

Their friends went off to be successful as well. And all of them stayed close despite moving to different cities. And all changed the world in their own ways.

The End. 

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