♡Cupid falling inlove♡ PART 1!!

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This is an au (Cupid au) where paper is pretty much a cupid making people fall inlove but with a silly little twist

"Hey wait up paper!!" says soap, his only friend in this whole sky.
"Sorry soap, did i go to fast?"
"Yeah, you are a speedy one!"
"hehehe,, sorry" scraching the back of himself
"Its good, hey look over there!"
They both look, finding a tall, orange, glass of juice. "Ooo~ he's kinda cute~"
Paper was just stairing at the glass. Blushing and kicking their feet off from the cloud. "PAPER!" paper snapped out of it. "Hm?" their face was still red. "Why is your face red?!? Are you sick!?"
It took a moment to relize. "Oooo~ does some cupid have a crush on an earthling~" "dont yell it out!! I cant have the others know." Paper then just felt smth hit him. "OW!! What was that for??" "I want you and the earthling to fall inlove so i shot you with an arrow!" "He doesnt even know im real yet!?!" "Well, i request you to go to earth. I am a higher level than you and command you to do as i please." soap says in a deep and menis tone. "Fine.." Paper was nervous but found a place he could just fly down too. Suddenly he lost his wings and bow and arrow. He went up to the other male, asking for a name. "Uh hey i am paper, whats your name?" Paper thought he was too fast on the question. "Cute name! Im Orange Juice but call me OJ" Paper blushed at the complement. He and OJ start to blush realizing that OJ called papers name cute. "Hehe, do you maybe wanna hang out? Maybe go somewhere to eat?" paper says shyly
(he usely isnt that shy) "Are you trying to ask me out?" Paper blushes realizing he kinda did pretty much ask him out. "id love too, especially with a cutie like you" Paper was extremaly red. All they did was hang out that day. "Oj, uhh i dont have anywhere to live, my mom kicked me out" "Oh my, you can stay at my place maybe! I own a hotel and you can just stay in my room" paper loved this, just talking to the glass made him happy. Paper didnt look where he was going a tripped, he almost fell until oj caught him. They both blushed. "Hehe, sorry but i cant have you hurt." Paper looks into oj's eyes, He had nice sapphire eyes. "Your eyes are like sapphires, they are pretty." Oj went beet red, he looked like a tomato. They both walked to oj's room, oj was still blushing over the thing paper said. They talked all night long, then watched a movie. They picked out a horror movie. Paper didnt really like horror but he stuck with it. A few moments later there was some gorey stuff. Paper held onto oj, afraid of what was next. Oj held paper close, he didnt know they were holding hands. He enjoyed the warm, small hand in his. Oj looked at paper, he fell asleep on him. The movie was over, and they both were asleep.

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