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Several students gathered around the courtyard, raising their arms to form shields, listening for the Supreme Sorcerer's next orders. You weren't the greatest at magic, still learning as a student with the mystic arts. So even though there were many others like you in Kamar Taj, ready to defend the temple against a great threat, your confidence was not very high. Especially when said threat, was the mythic Scarlet Witch, who is written in script to be more powerful than even the Sorcerer Supreme.

While that was shocking enough, you were even more surprised, when, in a storm of clouds, the Scarlet Witch arrived, red surrounding her and gracing your eyes with the most beautiful women you had ever seen. She was floating high above all of you, talking with Strange in what appeared not to be a pleasant conversation. And yet you could still see the vibrant green of her eyes from where you stood, her hair flaming red, and the sun illuminating her red armor and what looked like a fitting crown. You were mesmerized to say the least, and couldn't help but stare as she spoke to the other sorcerer.

The sudden movement of Strange backing away from the witch snapped you out of your trance and reminded you of why she was here. A poor girl, named America Chavez, was being hunted for her powers by the Scarlet Witch, wanting to take them for herself which would kill the girl in the process. You were all for protecting young, innocent, supernatural, teenage girls. Murder wasn't right in your moral standards after all, but you could also understand why the witch was after Chavez's powers. A mother's love was no joke and hearing about Wanda losing everyone she loved...it-it was understandable, wrong, but understandable. Strange flew back down to Wong, leaving the Scarlet Witch looking furious after attacking the shield held up by everyone and failing to break through. She threw bright red blasts of her power, shaking the temple, (and a few sorcerers in their boots) but luckily your effort to join forces with one another made the barrier strong enough to withstand her. You felt a sense of victory when she stopped, knowing that she couldn't break through, but that immediately went away when you heard Strange tell Wong that she was going after your minds instead.

"Fortify your mind!" Wong warns to everyone. You weren't sure how to exactly do that, but you knew you weren't a person to scare easily, feeling assured of yourself since you were always fearless and confident when you did dangerous or scary activities. So, preparing yourself for any sort of intimidation or invasion of your mind, you looked toward the Scarlet Witch. Only when you did, she was already looking right at you. You tried not to gasp from the look in her eye, she looked so focused on you and then...interested. You straightened your stance, solidifying your magic more and tried to keep yourself from giving anything away.

Too focused on keeping a strong front and watching her for any movement, prepared for her to possibly scare you or take control of your mind. You were not prepared however, for the sudden presence and warmth you felt from behind you. Feminine curves pressed along your back and soft lips brushed against your ear, you then heard a low beautiful voice whisper.

"I know what your thinking, your thoughts are very loud little one." Strong arms wrapped around from behind you, delicate hands tipped with black splayed themselves against your stomach, holding you almost possessively. It certainly felt secure. You couldn't move, not sure what to do, Wanda was still in the air above you, looking at you with dark eyes. You knew she was in your head, that what you were feeling was all in your head. Yet it felt so real and, you hated to admit it, she felt so good. What was she trying to do? You weren't going to just let her control you, make you give up your magic and run. Letting your defense down would make everyone else lose their defense as well and as nice as she felt you wouldn't give up that easily and fail everyone.

You tried to move forward a bit, to get out of her hold, but that plan failed miserably when she merely moved her hands down, grabbing you by the hips and pressed you flush against her, hips slotting against each other. This time you couldn't contain the whimper that left your mouth and you felt her smile against you ear.

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