"Wait! how did you even know I was here?" she asked tilted her head back, losing her balance she fell into Aaron's legs.

"We work for the FBI" he let out reaching down to help Celeste get up, who let out a chuckle as she tried to get up.

"Funny when I got kidnapped it took you a week to find my stupid ass" she let out. Everyone in the space got quiet. Celeste stood up straighter and looked around the room.

"Oh my god guys, losen up!" she said as she gently tapped Aaron's chest and started walking inside of the house. Aaron looked at the girls who now all wore a sad expression, Hotch let out a breath.

"How much did she drink?" he asked. Emily let out a huff.

"A lot" Hotch gave her a nod.

"Have a good night ladies, see you monday" he said as he walked away.

After saying bye to Will, Hotch walked out of the house. Celeste was leaning againts the SUV drunkly looking at her nails.

"Get in the car" Aaron blankly let out as he walked to the driver side. Celeste slowly made it to the passanger side and got in.

"Belt" Aaron said. He watched as she struggled with the belt buckle for a good minute. Aaron started driving they stayed quiet for a while.

"Your mad at me?" Celeste asked as she leaned her back and and looked at Aaron who didn't looked at her or answered.

"Definitely mad" she then let out as she looked ahead.

"I'm not mad...just disappointed on how drunk you are" he let out without looking at her. They stayed quiet a another while until Celeste looked at him again.

"Forgot to tell you, all my stuff is packed. Gabrielle made me pack everything...I'm not even gone yet and there already fighting for my room" Celeste let out, Aaron looked at her with a tight lip smile.

"So when is the official move date?" he asked, Celeste leaned againts the middle consol and rested her chin on her closed fist.

"I was thinking maybe next weekend?" she asked, the car stopped at a red light and Aaron looked at her.

"I think that's a good idea" he said quickly moving to her and planted a quick kiss on her forehead, Celeste smile as she gave him a hum. Aaron turned towards the road again the light turned green and he started driving again.

They got to Aaron's house, he put the car in park and looked at Celeste who was passed out. Aaron shook his head as he got out of the SUV and walked around the car. Aaron open the door and unbuckle her belt, before scooping her up in his arms and carefully took her out of the car. He closed the door with his back side and walked to the house with Celeste in his arms, After getting the door unlocked he walked in and closed the door behind him and locked it. he then made his way upstairs with Celeste, and towards the guest bedroom gently he laid Celeste on the bed. Aaron took her shoes off, he reached for the blanket that was at the end of the bed and genlty put it over her. Aaron sat on the edge of the bed and looked at Celeste sleeping peacefully, he let out a shaky breath.

"I till have nightmares..." he whispered

"I still hear your screams, while that bastard hurted you..." Celeste moved making him stop talking and looking at her again.

"I worry so much about you that it drives me insane" he still whispered. Aaron slid to the floor with his back againts the bed, Resting his head on the bed as he silently let tears rolled down his face.

Celeste turned in bed, her head was hurting so much all of a sudden her stomach did a full three sixty on her. Celeste bolted up relizing where she was she ran for the bathroom, just making it to the toilet she puked her guts out. After she was done expelling her stomach contents she sat on the cold floors with her back againts the tub. She open her eyes and saw that Aaron was standing againts the door holding a glass of water in one hand and a bottle of pills in the other.

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