Chapter eleven

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Billie lingered in front of the mirror. Was her dress too short? She wasn't used to wearing short, but the grey v-neck dress seemed decent enough to wear out for lunch. She'd pulled her hair back into a ponytail and wasn't sure if she was happy with how she looked. She sighed, removed her earrings and slammed them down on the edge of the basin. Don't overdo it, Bil. Just be yourself. She was nervous, and that was ridiculous. They were only going to Antibes for some food and a bit of sightseeing. It wasn't like it was a date. She heard Gumbo bark, an indication that Kai was ready to leave.

Gumbo always got excited when he knew he was coming along. She walked over to the French doors and looked into the garden. Kai was wearing a pair of light blue jeans and a white and blue striped shirt. Around her neck was a simple silver necklace that glistened in the sun.

Billie took in a quick breath from behind the curtain as she watched her walk up to the house. Her insides did that thing again, where she seemed to lose all control over her body. Kai looked... sexy, she thought. She had never thought of other women as being sexy, but there was simply no other way to describe her. Kai ran a hand through her dark hair, exposing part of her stomach when her shirt crept up. She tucked it back into her jeans and waved in the direction of Billie's bedroom. Damn it, she saw me looking. Billie rushed into the kitchen to open the door, undoing her hair in the process.

"Hey. Are you ready?" Kai asked.

"Yeah. I think so." Billie' stepped outside and closed the door behind her.

Kai looked her up and down, nodding her approval with a smile. "You look nice," she said, unable to keep her eyes off Billie's cleavage.

"Thanks. You do too." Billie's heart was racing. Only Kai could do this to her. "You look like... I don't know." She pursed her lips, taking in Kai's tight jeans and crisp shirt. It turned her on. "You look really good."

Kai fiddled with her keys as they walked towards the drive, seemingly nervous. "Thanks, Bil. Mind if we take my car?"1

An immaculately dressed server greeted them after Kai handed her car keys to the valet. "Welcome back, Kai." He gave Kai two kisses, seemingly familiar with her.

"Hi Philippe. I've booked a table outside," Kai said, putting an arm around Billie. "For two?"

"Of course, follow me." He led them through the noisy restaurant. It was full to the brim with people feasting on indulgent looking seafood platters, filled with lobsters, oysters, prawns and langoustines. "After you." He opened the door to the terrace, walked them to their table and pulled out their chairs on the concrete surface that was built into the rocks.

Glass plates surrounding the terrace protected the tables from the waves that were splashing up on either side. Everything was white. The concrete platform, the tables, the chairs, the candles... even most of the diners were dressed in white, although there wasn't a dress code.

"Swanky place," Billie said. "I didn't take you for a fine-diner."

Kai laughed. "Aha. So, landscapers and nice restaurants don't go together. Is that what you're saying?"

"No of course not." Billie shook her head, appalled by the stupid remark that had slipped from her tongue yet again. "That's not what I meant. But you look different today. The way you're dressed, so smart... and then this place." She nodded towards a group of middle-aged women and their Chihuahuas, cheering with their Champagne glasses. "It's so fancy. I didn't expect it's, that's all."

"I happen to like great food and great service," Kai said. "Whether that's in a bistro, a food truck or a high-end restaurant, I don't care. But since I'm taking you out, I thought this might be a good way of introducing you to some fantastic local seafood. We're on the coast after all."

Riot time in Paris // Billie Eilish G!PWhere stories live. Discover now