'till death do us part

426 28 19

The raven-haired demon sighed to himself upon arriving in front of the red-painted colonial home, his hot breath creating an opaque shape in the frosty December air. He was hesitant to remove his gloved hands from the pockets of his trench coat where he'd been clutching a sharpened kitchen knife a little too tightly.

Why didn't he refuse?

Well that was simple. Sebastian couldn't refuse his master's orders, it just wasn't one of a demon's mannerisms to not hold up their end of the contract, especially when the object of exchange was a soul as pure as Ciel Phantomhive's. It was taboo and most likely punishable by death back in hell.

The butler let his narrow crimson eyes fall shut as he recalled his master's exact orders, trying desperately to find an excuse or a loophole to not complete such a simple task for reasons unknown to even himself.
The young Earl had looked up carelessly from the newspaper he'd been reading that day and stated promptly; "That damned red reaper has been a thorn in my side for far too long. Kill him."
... And he had said it all with a cocky smirk plastered across his young features. So simply he could end someone's life and find it amusing. Why? Because he could. Because he was bored. Because it was fun. Ciel's way of throwing life around so carelessly disgusted even Sebastian.

At the mere thought of his master, Sebastian's hand curled into a tight fist, reminding the demon of how cold and stiff his fingers were after the long commute to Grell's home from the manor.
Why was killing Grell such a big deal for him? She was just another lowly reaper, why did her worthless reaper life mean so much to him? Luckily, Grell was easy to find in the small house, being a demon, Sebastian could hear her heartbeat from a mile away. The muffled sound was almost soothing to him and he knew very well that he wasn't ready for it to cease. He easily leapt to the second floor window with the agility of a cat and felt a pit form in his stomach when the window pushed open easily. Of course it wasn't locked, Grell felt safe in his home and would never expect someone to sneak in through her bedroom window and kill her in her sleep. She was innocent and the fact that Sebastian was here to end her was heartbreaking. He felt warmth reenter his body as he stepped into the scarlet-painted room, the sweet smell of various pastry scented incense invaded his sinuses, nearly strong enough to make him gag. A lit candle sat on the polished side table and leaked an orangey sepia light over the burgundy sheets of the bed where a small lump was snoring softly.
He sighed softly and vowed to make the death quick and painless, if Sebastian were to leave the knife in his pocket and simply snap the reaper's neck she'd never know what hit her but somehow, as his fingers intwined with the red locks, a foreign emotion overcame him. This emotion caused a strange salty liquid to pool at the bottom of his vision.
"What the-" his hand drifted up to pay away the tears with his gloved fingertips. "Nonsense, as a demon I don't have the capacity to feel such emotions."
But the sight of Grell sleeping so peacefully and Sebastian's inability to hold the knife steady told otherwise.
As he tried to regain his composure.
Unfortunately, he'd contemplated far too long and at the sense of someone else in his presence, Grell's bright emerald eyes fluttered open.

Dammit, now I can't kill her in her sleep.

Sebastian didn't have an excuse for being in Grell's room at this hour but luckily, it seemed like she was too groggy to really care or demand an explanation. She rubbed her eyes as they adjusted to the dark-clad man in front of her.
"Oh Sebby, what a pleasant surprise~." She yawned, smiling an ear to ear shark-toothed grin, and as if she could sense the cold emanating from the butler's body, she pulled off the toasty covers around herself, offering a spot next to her. "Care to join me?"
It was a chaste gesture, no suggestive innuendo hidden in her tone and that made Sebastian's heart melt.

Sebastian sighed. The least he could do was grant the woman's dying wish. He cautiously climbed in as if she was fragile and he could easily break her, hesitating to wrap his arms around the bodice of her frilly red nightgown.
Grell was shocked by the demon's affections but accepted them nonetheless and nuzzled into his chest.
She soon found herself being pulled up into a sitting embrace with Sebastian, hissing at the coldness of the butler's cotton trench-coat against the hot skin underneath her thin nightgown.
"Grell..." The demon spoke breathily, just loud enough for Grell to hear. Her green eyes drifted up to his, the sadness and regret in the burgundy orbs making her a tad uncomfortable.
"Y-yes?" She asked, feeling her heartbeat beginning to quicken. But why?
Sebastian hesitated, his gaze never leaving her's the whole time he decided how to compose his feelings into words.

"I love you Grell, I always will..."

Grell's eyes widened and she opened her mouth as if she might say something, but unfortunately the words had reached her ears just before the blade reached her heart and silenced her forever. Somehow, Sebastian couldn't look away from the betrayed look in her eyes and the blood trickling from her shaking lips until all emotion left Grell's face and her body fell limp in his arms. Dead.

" ...'till death do us part."

||Sorry about mistakes and such, this was simply an idea that I had late at night and decided to write, thank you for reading ;D||

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