Chapter Four

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More Avengers had been here to "visit" today. Tony Stark came down here to asked what I wanted to eat of course writing the question on a paper pad. I didn't know how to reply to the question. He gave me different types of pies with cheese and topping onto of the pies. Who puts meat on a pie? 

Turned out it was something called 'pizza', which I had never heard of or ever ate before. The only meal that I ever had gotten was soggy leftovers that was mostly instant food that could have been cooked easily. 

When Tony Stark came back, he came with a cardboard box with the pizza logo on the top. He opened the door to make a crack, just enough to fit the food inside. I waited until the door shut to get the box from near the door. 

After opening the box, I see cheese that seemed to be melted over the cooked dough, a circler meat that was producing grease onto the cheese is spread out on top.    

I took a slice of the food; I took a small bite of the suspicious food. The cheese melts my taste buds, it practically melts in my mouth, the meat gave off an almost spicy taste, the dough is perfectly chewy.  

Out of the corner of my eye I saw that Tony Stark had left the outside of the cell. 

After the pizza box was emptied, I put it in front of the door. I took a drink of my soda; the bubbles feel weird as it went down my throat. I couldn't remember the last time I even had a drink like this. 

"Finished?" Clint asked me. 

"Yes," I signed, before adding, "Not the drink."  

He nodded as he opened the door to take the pizza box. Before it closed, he handed me a small box. I give a questionable look. I hesitantly grab the box. I walk back to my bed. I opened it. The box contained a hairbrush, toothbrush, toothpaste and small hair ties. I smiled slightly. 


He smiled as he closed the cell door, walking out the main door. 

I turned around and started to brush my hair, using the glass exterior walls as a mirror. The knots gave me a hard time, it took me some time, but I finally got my hair somewhat decent. I put my hair into two braided pigtails. It felt nice to finally be able to have my hair presentable. 

Although when I turned back around, a book is there. I looked at the cover to see it had Mjölnir printed in the middle of the cover. The title is in bold lettering 'Norse Mythology' it reads. 

'I could read,' I thought to myself. 

'Chapter One: Gods and Goddesses

Odin- Head of Asgard and Valhalla. Known as the God of War. Father to Thor God of Thunder. 

Thor Odinson- God of Thunder. Is the carrier of Mjölnir...' 

'Enough of that,' I said in my head.

 I have way more to go in the book, but I'm not in the mood to learn about family right now. I got curious of how that book ended up on my bed. I looked around to see no one is outside of my cell, or nearby. Someone had to be playing tricks on me. 

I looked above the main door at the digital clock (which I found out was there yesterday) to see it's near ten. 

Well, I didn't want to read, already done my hair, not in the mood for brushing my teeth. I decided to do what I always did in my old cell, train. 

I didn't face the main door; I faced the back of the cell. I get into my fighting stance. I threw a punch at the air just as I would if a person was in front of me. The "person" ducked so I kicked the said person in their leg, taking them by surprise. Another "person" attacked me from behind, I hooked my leg around them, knocking them both to the ground. 

I kept going for a couple more rounds before needing a drink. I grabbed my soda from dinner to drink. I laid on my bed, heart racing from the intense training. I felt more tired than I was yesterday and the day before. I shut my eyes just to rest them for a bit. 

I'm woken up by a slight vibration. I cracked my eyes open to see Barton. He gestured for me to get up. I sat up, rubbing the tiredness from my eyes. 

"What?" I signed weakly. 

"The team would like to see you," he replied. I nodded. 

Agents come into my cell, handcuffing my hands in front of me. They lead me out of my cell and out the main door. Barton walks beside me. I don't think they realize I was trained to get out of this kind of situation. I don't try, it wouldn't be smart with all the agents around me.  

After taking many turns and a staircase we make it to an all-glass room, with a long table with chairs. The Avengers sat at said table. The Agents guard the door as Barton lead me in the room. 

Steve Rogers is talking but I cannot hear him. Barton translates for me. 

"Why were you fighting in your cell? Were you planning to escape?" he interpreted. 

I lift my hands up to show I couldn't reply. Barton unlocked my handcuffs. 

"It's what I used to do at my time in Hydra, widows also are trained in their rooms," I explained. 

Steve looked to Barton; he's saying something...

"How did you get to Hydra?" 

"The Red Room thought of me useless since I was born Deaf. So, they decided to sell me to Hydra," I replied.

I saw Natasha Romanoff's eyes narrowing as Barton told them the answer. Her eyes did soften, but they were still filled with anger. 

I got asked more questions such as 'what was your job at Hydra (assassin)? Did you hurt anyone (duh)? Powers (no)?' 

Finally, I was allowed to go to the peace of my cell. I laid back on my bed opening the book from yesterday. 

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