Chapter Three

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It was the next day by the time the boys had regained any of their proper thought back, the drugs having worked their way through their systems. As usual when the two had sleepovers they had ended up cuddling each other at some point in the night, Boris' long limbs tangled up in Theo's.

Theo was the first to stir, having some sort of mild nightmare, he woke with a slight jolt and opened his eyes to look at the boy in front of him who let out a disturbed groan and shifted. Theo froze to try and not wake him but the other slowly opened his eyes eventually anyway and took a deep inhale before opening his mouth wide in a yawn.

"Morning.." Boris tiredly muttered out, rubbing the sleep from his eyes and blinking a few times before grabbing Theo's glasses for him and handing them to him.

"Morning." Theo whispered back, staring at the tired blur of a boy before grabbing his glasses from his slender fingers and putting them on. "Thanks." He said softly as he slowly sat himself up and stretched, Boris soon doing the same. He moved his legs to rest over the side of the bed and stood himself up, glancing at Boris. "What do you want for breakfast?"

Boris cracked his back as he stretched his arms above his head, opening an eye to look as Theo got up. He thought for a moment at the question then shrugged "Eggs will do."

Theo nodded and threw Boris' shirt into his face with a laugh. "Put that back on while I make some then." He smiled and disappeared out the door, his footsteps fading.

Boris smiled and wrestled with his shirt to get it the right way round and make sure it wasn't inside out before he finally put his head and arms through it and made sure it was somewhat flat against him. He took a final stretch before swinging his legs over the edge of the bed and standing up, he looked around the shorter boys room and smiled softly before starting to make his way to the kitchen where he saw Theo making the eggs he had asked for. He made his way over to the table and sat down, resting his head on it. "Did you sleep well?" He asked with a hint of concern in his voice.

Theo listened as Boris walked in and sat down, looking over at him for a second as he asked his question. "Oh, yeah I slept alright. A little nightmare but not the one I usually have." He answered, hoping to ease the others worries about him, he knew he always worried due to the multiple long nights of Theo screaming and crying as Boris tried his best to calm him and staying up until he could sleep again.

Boris nodded and relaxed a little. "Ah, that's good then."

"How about you? Did you sleep well?" Theo asked out of politeness with a small smile on his lips as he poked at the eggs a little.

"I slept well too." Boris said in a cheerful tone, watching as the eggs were put onto a plate and brought over. "Thanks for cooking me breakfast." He said, always appreciating the way Theo took care of him as he knew the struggles he went through at home and his lack of food there.

Theo sat down with his own plate, placing it down with a soft thud, and nodded. "Of course, that's what friends are for." He grabbed his fork and cut off a piece of egg, putting it in his mouth.

As they were about to finish eating they heard keys being put into the front door and listened to it unlock, looking over to watch the door handle move before the door opened.


Authors Note

Wow two years huh? I'm in college now damn.
I randomly remembered this story and hope people who either forgot or have been hoping for an update, maybe even both, can enjoy this chapter even if The Goldfinch may not be as popular anymore. If you're someone who read this when I first wrote it then hey, hope you're doing alright and thanks for waiting for me to be ready. Love you all <3 Once again, hope you enjoy.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2022 ⏰

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