> ✿ < Chapter 1 ,

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It was a nice, warm, summer day. Now, Normally at this time nothing much was happening. Tho particularly today, Something was. Sir Eclair Cookie and Affogato Cookie had been hanging out at Eclairs place. They seemed to be studying magic, Of course, they knew each other since 1st grade!

"Hey, Affy? What kind of magic have you studied so far?"

Eclair asked Affogato, They had many nicknames for each other. They never bothered too care if the nicknames were at all "childish".

"Hm? Oh! Only dark magic, Its the only magic that can draw my attention in."

Affogato had said, Smiling calmly like usual.

"Typical of you, Ehe!"

Eclair had laughed it off, and flipped the page of the book he was reading. Eclair wanted too know about all magic and all history, Meanwhile Affogato only studied dark magic. It was the only magic he was familiar with. After hours of them both studying, Affogato had packed up and got ready to head home. As he was walking home, He heard a faint voice, humming in the distance. He continued walking home, But he was soon going too find out what it was.

> the next day ! <

Affogato had woken up, And as usual got ready too head back to Eclairs house. Since it was the weekend, Eclair wasn't busy with grading kids assignments. As soon as Affogato had arrived at Eclairs place. He then remembered the voice he heard.

"Hey, 'clair?"
"hm, Yes?"
"I heard a strange voice, a voice that drew me in. It didn't seem.. Normal though?"

Eclair was silent for a moment, thinking. He pulled out a book about creatures, Too find what it was. Suddenly, Eclair had pointed at a page, as Affogato read the page.

"A siren..? Hm, I'll have to check it out late-"
"NO- Affy, Theese creatures aren't the safest, Perhaps just read an article on one?"

Affogato grabbed to book, and started too read it. He found somewhere in there that they possess magic, dark magic. This made Affogato more and more curious. He wondered if he could get this sort of magic from the siren he had heard the other day. After Affogato had packed his things too go home, he went straight to the beach where he heard the voice again. He sat down on the sand, looking into the water that had seemed as if it turned darker.

"Hello?- I know you're there, So there's no point in hiding."

Suddenly, a beautiful women had risen her head above the water, it seemed as if her hair was the water. She stood up, revealing her entire body as Affogato looked up at her. Her hair was wavy, wnd water like. It looked like seafairy, but instead of a dress she seemed to have a tail made out of dark looking water. Before Affogato could say anything, he felt sharp like teeth piercing through his arm. He felt dizzy, but the women had disappeared. He managed to barely get himself up and he ran home.

> ✿ <

The Sirens Call  &gt;♡&lt;  Cookie Run AuWhere stories live. Discover now