2- should of been Loki.

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**Instead of Natasha dying,,you do****lmfao going back and seeing what I need to re-write- I need to re-write all of this..its bad- so if I ever have time i'll try to fix it!**

It had been 5 years. 

Five fucking long years of trying to track down Thanos, trying to find a way to bring everyone back. You and Natasha would work for hours until someone came to force us to eat or sleep. 

you just wanted to see everyone again, Loki had gone into a hiding after his brothers death. you truly felt sorrow for him, he had lost everyone..again. 

And now that we did find a way, everyone slowly came around. 

Loki looked tired, you could see bags under his eyes, he looked skinnier. 

But you didn't care, you didn't see this man for 5 years, for space..and also you have no idea where new Asgard is. 

You both locked eyes as he walked inside of the building, ignoring everyone, you both walked straight to each other. You smiled as you took him into a tight hug, He wrapped his arms around your waist. you took in his sent. 

After a few minutes, you looked up at him, rubbing his cheek with your thumb. He smiled at you  "I'm sorry I didn't come and see you" you  whispered. "Its..okay dear" you could tell he lied, but you didn't wanna push anymore. 

"C'mon" you took his hand and pulled him along while we walked into the room where the rest of the team was. 


After hours, of planning, getting ready, almost having a panic attack. 

You were all ready, You smiled. Only a few seemed to be smiling..You looked at Loki. He took your hand for a second and then let it go, as the team made one of those 'all hands in' things. 

"See you all...in 1 minute.." Natasha said, giving Clint a worried stare. 

"what ever it takes." 


You felt as if pulled from your own body, you both just went back in time. 

You pushed yourself closer to Loki, feeling comfort under his gaze. You stopped, making him stop. 

He looked at you. 

You forced a smile "Loki.." You whispered, stepping closer. 

"Before we go on, in a chance one..or both of us dies..I need to say something" You told him. He listened, stepping closer. 

You stroked his cheek "I love you..a lot, you mean more then the world to me, your the only one I feel safe with." you eyes tear up "And I will always, forever, love you..k?" You chuckled. 

Loki rubbed your hand "we haven seen each other in 5 years.." He whispered. you nod, letting a tear slide down "I know, it just..had to get it off my chest" You chuckled. He leaned his forehead against yours "I'm sorry Y/N" He told you. 

"You never need to say sorry" you told him, leaning away and taking his hand "Now lets go get a stone" 

**so I don't remember what is says so I'm coming up with my own stuff, sorry**


"A soul...for a soul" It told us. 

Your heart broke, looking at Loki. 

He looked back at you, out of instinct you took his hand, before sitting on a rock. you sighed. He walked close to the edge, looking over. He looked at you then at the edge. 

Loki//Tom Hiddleston imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now