Voldemort circles around them both like a snake wrapping around its prey. "I assume you would have learnt your lesson for stepping in my way, Aine. Looks like nothing's changed. What a pity..." he frowns.

With a snap of his finger, four shadows loomed behind Aine and Aion. They separated the siblings from each other, their intertwined hands snatched apart as Cal held Aine tightly, chuckling to himself while she tries to break free. Aion, on the other hand, was forced to go on his knees as the Deatheater behind him had held stomped on his back, pressing him to the ground. The two struggled, grunting and breathing heavily when a set of chains was secured on their wrists. It prevented them from doing magic and simultaneously, inflicted pain when they tried to force magic out of themselves.

Aion lets out a shriek, feeling the burning sensation crawl down his neck and into his lungs. His face went red and he panted when he stopped the flow of magic. He could only shoot daggers at Voldemort, planning several ways to unalive the man in his head. 

Aine too, buckled to her knees and dropped to the ground under Cal's commands. With every breath she took, she could feel the shackles burning into her wrist. Her fingers stretched out, wanting to escape the metal chains around them but it was futile. "Aion..." she muttered, shaking her head, her eyes glossed with tears. Her brother listened, fearing that if he continued pushing Voldemort's buttons, their lives will be at risk.

From the side, Draco took a step forward but his mother grabbed hold of him, preventing him from acting recklessly. She placed a firm hand on his shoulders but he could feel her shaking. He could only stare at Aine and Aion without doing anything and he felt useless. If only there was something he could do but it felt like the events were replaying again, giving him a sense of deja-vu.

"It seems that neither of you has the intention to devote yourselves to me," Voldemort started, pacing about as Nagini joins him, slithering to his side. He stops and looks down at the two kneeling children and smirks. "Very well... If I can't have your loyalty, I'll have your fear until you can pledge it to me," he said delightedly. He nudges his chin away, signalling his underlings to get the two out of his sight.

Torn apart from each other, Aine and Aion exchanged panic looks, not knowing what was going to be done to them. Their imaginations went wild and they could only wonder what hells were going to be brought down to them, and what had they done to deserve to be treated like this.

"DON'T HURT HER!" Aion managed to yell out through the pain, wanting to get to his sister but as he was being held back by magical chains and two burly men, he could only watch as his attempts go to waste.

"Aion!" his sister calls out to him, furious at the world of darkness mocking them as they went different directions. "No—! I said... Let me go! Let me go this instance!" she screamed at Cal, yanking her arms from the chains as she hits his back. Yet, the man did not budge, he merely snickered at her weakness. "You— Son of a—!"

The older sibling was dragged upstairs while Aine had been carried down to the cellar before being flung across the filthy, wet, cold ground. Her long skirt was already soiled from the ground but she couldn't care less about it. She heard the gates screeching to a close before a barrier was cast over them for extra protection. Whether it was done to keep her caged up well or to prevent a nasty breakout, she could only guess that it was the former. 

Cal grabs onto the metal bars of the gate, he admires the wrath on her face: her jaw was clenched tightly and she was shaking so hard from rage. He gave her a wink and a little taunting wave, "See you soon, darling~" he bids, turning around. Then he stops and looks over his shoulders at her, still glowering in his direction. "Try not to die before we have some fun, alright?"

UNBREAK | D.M (UNRAVEL BOOK 5)Where stories live. Discover now