Drugs & Candy

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Drugs & Candy - Because opposites do attract~

The year 1927

(Gellert's P.O.V)

One would say our past is rough, others would say it's beautiful. But I would say it was a dream come true. Oh, the conversations we had were ever so joyous. Sometimes I look back at these times and wish we could still be like that. Unfortunately, pretending that I hate Albus in front of my followers has been getting more difficult as the days go on. Now, I constantly want to hear his voice, see his face, hold him close, and never let go. He's so addictive and sweet, just like those little sherbet lemon sweets he used to eat.

(Albus' P.O.V)

How could I ever forget someone like Gellert? He was the best love I've ever had. Merlin, he's the only love I've ever had. The way his sultry, hetero-chromatic eyes would stare into mine whenever he was gushing over something he was passionate about. Or when his accent would caress each word coming out of his mouth. I wish things were as they were before..., before Ariana. Why is he so addictive yet so wrong? He's like a drug too addicting to handle, wait! I could have described Gellert in any way, and I chose that?! That's strange.

(Gellert's P.O.V)

"Another night laying in this bed without you is difficult. At least that's what I think." What am I saying? Of course, it's hard without Albus. It always is. Even powerful dark wizards such as myself get lonely from time to time. I roll over, looking at the left side of the bed wishing you were here. If only you had run away with me. Then that spot beside me could have you laying in it, looking back at me with those ocean-blue eyes. As I joke about that beard you decided to grow on your face which shields your fair skin and hides the hundreds of freckles that are across your nose.

Why did he have to choose his useless, arrogant brother over the love of his life, I just don't understand. Why Albus? Was he really that faithful to that bastard?! Brother or not, Albus should always be true to me, and me only. We didn't make that pact for nothing.

(Author's P.O.V)

One could only imagine the horror of losing a loved one. But for Gellert, losing Albus was as if he was the most betrayed person on the entire planet. Grindelwald wasn't easy to offend, but unfortunately, the first person to really put him in such distress was the last person he'd ever think to make him feel this way. Oh, how he wished that Albus would quit his sad, 'good wizard' life and join him to live a new life of fun, excitement, and taking over the world! Just like they had originally planned all those years ago. Though, all this thought about changing 'sides' had Gellert thinking back to at least a month ago.


Gellert was unfortunately drenched from head to toe, making his way through the small crowd of bystanders. Hungry, and not wanting to make any communication with the people around him. Gellert swiped an apple and a small loaf of bread off of a stall close by, without anyone even noticing his act of theft. Walking through the alleyways of the quiet town to hide himself from anyone who was after him. Gellert stumbled across a young girl sitting by herself cold, and hungry. From the looks of it, she seemed to be homeless.

Gellert stared at the girl for a moment, deciding what he should do. He wanted to turn around and walk the other way, but another part of him wanted to help her. Gellert knew it was out of character for him to help her. Although, he once was as powerless as she was. The thought of someone who has the potential to be someone so powerful, yet because of their status and situation was denied any form of help really makes Grindelwald's blood boil.

Even if the thought of being nice to some random person made Gellert feel weird. He approached the young girl anyway. Crouching down to her level, Gellert hands the apple and loaf of bread to the girl. Looking up into Grindelwald's hetero-chromatic eyes, tears run down her cheeks and she smiles. "Here, you need this more than I do," Gellert says, looking away from the girl in pure embarrassment. "Thank you, mister!" The young girl chirps, standing up and wrapping her arms around Gellert embracing him. Then with a thankful smile and a wave, the girl wanders off around the corner.

Little did Gellert know, a certain someone was watching from afar. "That was really nice of you," a familiar voice states, calmly approaching the villainess man. Turning around to come face to face with the last person he'd want to see at a time like this. "Albus." Gellert sighs standing up and dusting himself off. As they gazed into each other's eyes, Gellert saw the look of pity, and kindness in Albus' ocean-blue eyes. "What are you staring at?" Gellert huffed, still not too pleased about what Albus had just seen. Albus embraced the man before him, whispering in his ear. "There is nothing to explain. I was going to turn you in but I can always do that another day." Gellert's eyes widened. He didn't think Albus would be so generous, or even let him escape at all. But the way Albus just smiled at him made him believe he still had a chance to be with him. Someday.

"Now, go before someone sees us here. Or I might just have to take back that offer of letting you go." Albus teases throwing a wink at Gellert, along with a flashy smile. Rolling his eyes Gellert takes Albus in his arms one last time at least for now. Kissing Albus' bearded face, and caressing his cheek. Gellert aperates, waving goodbye to his ex-lover.

- End of FLASHBACK -

"Sir, it's time." One of Grindelwald's many followers announces, taking Gellert out of his daydreaming state. Swinging his legs over the side of the bed, Gellert stands. "Of course, is everyone in their places?" He asks, raising an eyebrow. "Yes, sir. Everyone will make sure to hold down the fort in your absence." "Perfect. Because I don't want to be interrupted while I'm out. Now if you excuse me I have someone to see." And with that Gellert apparited out of his room to meet with someone very important.

This one-shot was written by Author Z

Re-edited on the 14th of April 2023

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