Cruel Summer

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Cruel Summer - It's all happened to us at some point, and if not it surely will~

The Summer of 1899

(Author's P.O.V)

In the whispering wind of the summer night, two young men were destined to fall in love. Once again like most nights, Albus had left his window open waiting for his German friend. This had been a regular cycle ever since the two had become close. This seemed the same as most nights, but tonight would be very different.

As Gellert approached the window to the neighbouring house of Godric's Hollow, he grasped both hands at the sides of the mossy, wooden ladder before him. He ascends slowly trying not to wake the rest of the Dumbledore household. Merlin forbid, if Aberforth caught them, especially tonight because Gellert has something new up his sleeve.

When he had reached the top, with one quick, swift motion Gellert had leapt into the very familiar room of Albus Dumbledore, who was sitting at the handmade desk by candlelight. Words could not describe how beautiful he was, with his flowing red hair, those glistening ocean blue eyes that Gellert could get lost in for hours, not to mention Albus' small curves that traced around his body ever so perfectly.

Grindelwald was admiring Albus for quite some time, which Albus had picked up on very quickly. So he decided to pull a few strings. "What are you staring at Gellert?" Albus asked with a face full of innocence, Gellert didn't know how to reply, he was dumbfounded. But like always he kept his composure. "You obviously," he replied with a smirk across his face, deciding to not bother hiding the fact of his blatant stare.

The tone of the Blond boy's bluntness made Albus' face redden with flattery. No one had ever said such nice things to him before, this made Albus smile. "Well if you don't mind Mr Grindelwald would you like to join me for a night time stroll?" Albus grinned, reaching out his hand towards Gellert. "Well, Mr Dumbledore, I'd be delighted to join you." Smirked Gellert accepting his red-haired companion's hand.

But just as he had taken his hand one loud thump after the other was coming from the stairs, and there was only one person who could ever be in such a rage. "ALBUS!!! Who are you talking to? It better not be that no-good freak from next door! I told him to stay away from you!" Aberforth roared as if his head were to explode. Even if he was younger than Albus he sure seemed to act like the boss quite often.

The pit of rage coming from Aberforth just made Gellert laugh. Yes, it was true, he was told to stay away from Albus, but do you think he would listen? With a bit of a leap, Gellert drags Albus by the arm, and they quickly rush down the ladder and onto the street. They ran out into the forest beside the small town of Godric's Hollow.

Making their way into the clearing under the glistening moonlight, only the chirp of crickets and the buzz of fireflies could be heard by the two powerful wizards.

Gellert grasps his hand around Albus' waist, and the other holds his left hand. They slowly revolve in a circle rocking back and forth with each other. While Gellert rests his forehead lightly against Albus', his blond hair falls in front of Albus' eyes. "It's a cruel summer," Gellert whispers. They revolve like this for who knows how long, framed in the moonlight. Albus starts humming a slow sad tune. "What is that?" Gellert asks softly yet curiously.

"Two birds on a wire, a simple song about two people who weren't meant to be." Albus sighs looking down, thinking about before. Gellert did not like the sound of this, he wouldn't let some arrogant, nobody like Aberforth control Albus' life like this. He deserved to be free, free to choose, free to be himself, free... with him. This thought was like a lightning strike to the head for Gellert. He knew exactly what to say.

"You know what?" Gellert begins letting Albus go. "We should just run away from them, like right now. We could run away and create a house of our own where we would be alone... there are no rules in breakable heaven." Gellert announced, sounding triumphant. Albus didn't know what to say, he was flattered, yet worried—leaving home, leaving his life behind. Albus was frozen but collected himself to speak.

"Gellert, I do want to run away with you but it will be difficult. I can't just leave everything behind. What about my sister? I don't care what happens to Aberforth, but I can't leave her!" Albus spoke, worry filling his voice, right now Ariana was his top priority.

Gellert looked up grinning like a devil and laughed knowing how to comfort his one and only Albus. "We'll take her with us, we'll find a cure. Do not worry." Gellert pauses wondering if he should say what he has always wanted to, ever since he laid eyes on the eldest Dumbledore brother.

It's hesitant but he goes for it. "You don't have to worry about a thing, my love" Dumbledore's eyes widened. What did he say? Did he just refer to him as 'my love'? Albus could feel his face flush, his mind was taken over by thoughts. Suddenly he did what he thought he would never do.

In the heat of the moment, Albus starts to lean closer towards Gellert, a sweet lust in his eyes. The red-haired boy slowly wraps his arms around the blonde's neck, holding him gently. While softly pressing his lips against the others for the very first time.

And to Albus' surprise, Gellert had once again wrapped his arms around his waist, kissing him back with a heated passion. This was the best thing that had ever happened to either of them in so long, it truly was a relief. Breaking the kiss to get some air, Albus leans his head against Gellert's chest with a smile on his face. "It really is a cruel summer." Sighs Albus satisfied with what they've become.

This one-shot was written by Author Z & Author E

Re-edited on the 24th of September 2023

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