6. I'll Be Better Soon Enough

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Tried shooting for a star
Ended up landing on my face
Tried staying off radar
Cuz I'm not the embodiment of grace

I keep seeing better people around
I've tried hiding from everyone
Cuz I don't want to be found
But I always am after all's said and done

I keep trying, breaking my back
But I always end up failing
All I see's what I lack
But I can't see what my soul's containing

I see life from afar
I'm never in the moment
I wish all those wishes on a star
Come true, so I'm not a disappointment

My soul keeps breaking
Can't mend it but I pick it up each time
I feel like I'm always faking
I feel like everything I do is a crime

Music's all that makes me feel not dead
If I didn't have music, I wouldn't be here
All that I've heard, written and read
Are the only things I hold dear

If I had a clue what I'm doing with life
Maybe I'd value it way more
But I feel like cutting myself with a knife
I miss old me, I was so happier before

I still feel joy sometimes
When I'm writing poems and songs
Or I'm having a soda with limes
Those sometimes, I forget all that I do wrong

I try so hard to be the best
I try so hard to be good
But I'll be back after some rest
Cuz I'm as strong as wood


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