"Ya've literally called to complain to me that some merch ya wanted wasn't in yer favourite colour, an' I never judged, what makes ya think imma judge now?" Aira bit his lip slightly, thinking for a moment, before nodding, "Okay fine, I'll tell you what's on my mind. But only if you get off of me!" Kohaku smiled, rolling over so that he was laying beside Aira instead of pinning him to the ground, "Okay, I'm off ya, now go on Rabu-han~"

Aira changed his mind, Kohaku wasn't perfect, he was an annoying jerk! ...Yeah right, even if he told himself that Kohaku was annoying him, he couldn't help but smile at his persistant way of getting Aira to talk about what was bothering him. He really was lucky to have met him twice huh? "I just feel like I'm holding everyone back, I already knew how much more talented Tatsun-senpai and Mayo-san were, but even Hiro-kun who has no experience is a better idol than I am. It's frustrating how no matter how hard I work, I'll always be the weakest link in ALKALOID. I feel dumb, I should be happy for my friends, not sitting here being jealous and bitter because they have talent." Aira's eyes met Kohaku's, "I'm being stupid aren't I?" Kohaku shook his head almost aggressively, still looking Aira in the eye, "Not at all. Actually, I feel kinda the same way. Rinne-han and HiMERU-han have a lotta experience, and Niki-han barely shows up to practice and he still is way better at this idol stuff than I am. It pisses me off honestly. But y'know, even if we're not as good as some others, that doesn't make us bad or anythin'. If ya stopped comparin' yerself ta idols as good as they are, then ya'd realise just how good ya are."

Aira blinked, that was actually incredibly reasonable. No wonder always found himself complaining to Kohaku by instinct, his comforts always felt realistic and helped alot. Seriously, what wasn't Kohaku good at?! "Y'alright Rabu-han? Ya've been quiet for a while. Did I say something wrong?" Aira shook his head, smiling to hopefully convey that he was fine, "No, it's the opposite actually, thank you Kohakucchi! Ai rabu~!" Kohaku reached over to ruffle Aira's hair, which earned him a small pout, 'Kokoko, how cute~' He pulled his hand away, smiling, "I'm glad ta hear it." Kohaku yawned, covering his mouth out of embarrassment, "Sorry, didn't mean ta do that."

"Are you tired Kohakucchi? You should be sleeping now in that case!" Kohaku was admittedly, extremely tired, but Aira was more important than sleep, he would worry about the reprocussions of not getting enough sleep tomorrow. He shook his head, convincing absolutely no one. Aira hadn't noticed because of everything that was going on, but Kohaku looked exhausted. Aira opened his arms, inviting Kohaku for a hug, "You can rest on me for a bit if you want..." Kohaku readily accepted Aira's offer, wrapping his arms around the blonde's waist, and leaning his head against his chest. It was calming, the feeling of Aira's chest slowly going up and down as he breathed, he could hear his heartbeat and giggled slightly hearing it get faster when Kohaku hugged slightly tighter. "Mmm, thanks Rabu-han, 'm not gonna fall asleep, I think I jus' need a break for a minute." Aira watched as Kohaku's eyes got heavier before shutting completely, his tired body betraying his words entirely. Aira smiled fondly, running his fingers through Kohaku's hair, "Goodnight Kohakucchi~"

"G'night Rabu-han~" Aira's face went red, he thought Kohaku was already asleep, Kohaku giggled, before actually drifting off. Even when taking the piss out of him, Aira couldn't help but find him adorable. 'Stupid Kohakucchi, I can't even be mad at him!'

It dawned on Aira that they were still outside, they couldn't be asleep outside, how embarrassing would it be if someone found them sleeping on the floor outside, only Sakuma Ritsu could get away with something like that, and he was already considered a weirdo. He didn't want to wake Kohaku though, so he had to hope and pray that his small muscles were strong enough. He hooked his arm under Kohaku's legs, the other arm holding his torso close to him, he lifted him up, finding him to be surprisingly light.

He then realised he had no idea where Kohaku's dorm was, and he wasn't strong enough to walk around for ages trying to find it. Aira sighed, his roommates were going to take the absolute piss out of him.

Aira opened the door to his dorm, setting Kohaku down on his bed, gently tucking him in. He sat on the end of his bed, still not being tired (well, not physically anyway, mentally he was exhausted). "Are ya not gettin' inta bed too?" Aira turned towards Kohaku, who was now sitting up, rubbing his eyes sleepily. "You're awake?! Why didn't you say so, I wouldn't have had to carry you the whole wa-" Aira was cut off by Kohaku leaning over and putting his finger to Aira's lips, "Shh, ya don't wanna wake your roommates do ya? And to answer yer question, I only jus' woke up." That was a lie, Kohaku was a light sleeper, so Aira picking him up woke him up immediately, he just wanted to punish Aira because he only had two minutes of sleep because of him, well that and he liked being held by Aira.

...Not that he would ever admit that.

Kohaku gently pulled Aira so that he was laying next to him, "Even if yer not tired, at least try ta sleep, and even if ya can't sleep, at least ya won't look like a weirdo who watches people sleep." Aira sighed, Kohaku wasn't very good at hiding the fact that he just wanted Aira to keep him company while he slept, Aira wasn't going to call him out on it though, he never did, "Fine fine, I'll try to sleep, but if Sakuma-senpai or Tenshouin-senpai gets the wrong idea, I won't forgive you."

Liar, Shiratori Aira was a complete liar. He could tell himself that he was angry at Kohaku, that he found him annoying, but every single thing he did made his heart feel warm. He could lie and say Kohaku was just his friend, but neither of them actually believed that, even though none of them would ever act on any of their feelings for each other, always stubbornly waiting for the other to make a first move.

"Ya can't get mad at me no matter how hard ya try Rabu-han~"

...Maybe it was okay to tell the truth sometimes.

"Yeah, I know that." He pulled Kohaku in for a loose hug, closing his eyes as he leaned on his chest. He felt lips press against his forehead, "Goodnight fer real now, my Rabu-han~"

1927 words

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