Family Problems

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Woken up from the sound of birds chirping, Annalise slowly got up from bed and watched as a small group of girls walked towards a nearby school by the window.

Annalise had always wanted to be in a school, but she didn't have enough money to enroll. She wanted to become an engineer when she was older since she lived on a small farm with her mother, who was always too tired to do anything by the end of the day. She wanted to live a better lifestyle.

Annalise wished her mother would take a break from her work at the farm, but her mother would always refuse just for the money. Understandably, the money was needed but Annalise's mother wouldn't stop working until 9 PM...

After seeing her mother working like this for a while, Annalise wanted to plan something out.

Here's the thing though, she didn't know what to do or how to do it at all! She's never been outside the home before meaning if she were to go, she would need a map from her mother--who was too busy working all day for the money needed.

Annalise would always be watching as children played outside, and she would be stuck at home not even allowed to go!

One day she decided to ask her mother for a map...

"Hey, you know how I've never been outside our home before..?" she watched her mother's reaction which-didn't change at all... Her mother continued working as if Annalise hadn't said a thing-

"I was wondering if you can get me a map of our town?" she continued after not getting any answer..

"..I'll give one to you tomorrow afternoon.."

-Hello! I'll be posting the next chapter soon since I have to finish some school work I've been getting, but I'll post soon! Let me know how I can make my chapters more engaging because I think it's very basic. Thank you for reading my first ever chapter-- Byeee!! :)

- EmxShx

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2022 ⏰

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