The problems

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Alex woke up in his bed with a slight headache. He gets out of bed with little difficulty and the first thing he sees is a glass of water on the stool. He immediately takes the glass and drinks the water. However, he still feels thirsty. Alex ran to the sink and began to refill the glass several times, then drank the water immediately. The pain in the lion's head eased a little, but he still felt it. Soon Gia walked into his wagon, worried.

Gia - Good morning, Alex. Are you okay?

Alex - Hi Gia. Apart from a slight headache, I feel good. It was you who gave me the water?

Gia - Yes, it was me. We found you outside by your car. What was the reason for this?

Alex, remembering last night wondered what to say to the jaguar. What was he supposed to tell her? "Gia, I met the devil who made me turn into a burning skeleton every night." It's unlikely that Gia or the others would believe him. But they will probably know the truth soon, and that's what Alex fears most. So he decided to lie, thinking it might be an excuse for a while. Although he knew Gia didn't like him lying, he had no choice.

Alex - I don't know why you found me outside. I don't remember last night. I went to sleep normally.

Gia blinked her eyes. Since her crush doesn't remember why he slept outside, one thing came to her mind.

Gia - Are you... Sleepwalking? 

Alex just shrugged. He never sleepwalked but had to stick to Gia's theory to hide the truth.

Gia - I thought only children sleepwalked. Although I have heard that adults can sleepwalk too and can eat and even drive a car while sleepwalking. Good thing your outside voice told you to go back to the circus rather than drive into some truck from the other side of the road. It's good that you're okay.

Alex - I am also glad that nothing happened to me.

Lie again... But Alex had no choice.


Alex sighed as he leaned against his wagon, letting the wind lightly blow his mane. Why him? Couldn't it be some other lion with nothing to lose, for example? There was nothing he could do about it. He's a Ghost Rider now, and nothing will change that. But how long will he keep this secret from his friends and family?

? - What do you think about now, Alex?

Alex looked over to the voice and saw Lily coming up to him.

Alex - Just about what happened to me at night that I woke up next to my car than in my wagon.

Lily, with a clever smile and narrowed eyes, nodded her head, which surprised the lion.

Alex - What? You don't understand English?

Lily - You really think you're sleepwalking? And that you slept for no reason next to your car, which now looks normal, just like its owner? 

Alex was surprised and scared to learn that Lily knew about his new power.

Lily - You are not a sleepwalker. What happened yesterday will happen again. You are a Ghost Rider.

Alex, still shocked, sighed and looked at Lily.

Alex - How do you know about Ghost Riders?

Lily - Not much but enough. But I'll explain everything to you, but not here. Maybe let's go into your wagon, have a cup of tea and explain everything to you, what do you say?

Alex nodded his agreement and they entered his wagon with the albino tigress.


Lily explained everything to Alex while they had cups of tea with them which were occasionally drunk by the lion and the tigress.

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