-The Babyls Version of Tom & Jerry-

368 14 11

☁︎  Previous Chapter : ☁︎

"Sure, thank you for inviting me"
He thanked me.

☁︎ This Chapter : ☁︎

"Balam-sensei do have any favorite food?"
I ask tilting my head.

"Well.. I really like Devil stew.. what about it?"
He ask.

"Oh nothing!"
I said happily.

                                                            - The end of school -

Kalego POV :

I yell as Shicirou keep dragging me towards the school exit.

"Come on Kalego-kun! He already invite us anyway! It'll be rude not to go!"
He explains once again.

"He's probably not going to remember inviting us anyway, He's a airhead"
I groans as I walk towards the door.

"Now that you mention it... Where is Robin-sensei anyway?"
He ask me as i let out a sigh.

"Don't know, don't wanna know, and don't care"
I state as i roll my eyes.

Narator : As the conversation between the two continue, Robin-sensei and Suzy-sensei are having a tea time in the botanical tower. Let's see what they're doing!

Robin POV :

"This feels sooo good!"
I said as I takes a sip of my tea.

"I know, yis"
Suzy-sensei said as she pet the demon birdies.

"I never know you like little demon birds, Robin-sensei, yis"
She asks as she release the demon bird.

"They kinda just come to me, but yeah! I like demon birds!"
I said as a demon bird land on my finger.

More demon birds continues to land on me until there's about 8 bird on me. Suzy-sensei chuckle a bit since i am sorta of a bird magnet.

"Okay birdies, can you guys please move?"
I chuckle as the demon birds fly upward and land on top of one of the giant tree branch on top of us.

"That one really doesn't want to leave you huh? Robin-sensei, yis"
She said as she point to my shoulder.

"It's okay, I'm fine with it!"
I said as i move the little birdie to my finger.

Kalego POV :

"Do we really need to search for him?!"
I groan as i keep walking forward.

"Yes, Kalego-kun. We need to search for him"
He convince me once again.

"The last place is the Botanical Tower, come on cheer up! We're having dinner afterwards anyway!"
He said trying to cheer me up.

"Alright, fine"
I replied in a sour mood.

                                                                       - Botanical Tower -

I screams as i bash the botanical tower door wide open.

I chant as electricity begin to form around me.

"GAHH! You scared me Senpai! What's up??"
Oh that damn idiot.. HE ACTUALLY FORGOT.

"We have been looking for you all around the school, Robin-sensei"
Shicirou explains as the newbie tilt his head like a dog.

"Huh? Why?? Do you need anything?"
He ask innocently

"You've invited us for dinner, Robin-sensei"
Shicirou explains calmly, seriously I wonder how does he keeps his calm all the time?

"Oh yeah! Sorry I forgot.. anyway! Let's go!!"
He scream in excitement as he jumps up from his seat.

As he jumps from his seat, i noticed a small siluet on his shoulder flying upwards.

"Robin-sensei, your scaring the bird. Yis"
Suzy-sensei interfere.

"Ah! Sorry little guy.."
He apologize as the little bird sit on his finger.

I will be lying I I said it's not adorable. hell, this is possibly the cutest thing I've seen this whole day.

I thought as i shook my head quickly.

"Hm? What's wrong Kalego-kun?"
Shicirou ask as he turns towards me.

"Ah it's nothing"
I replies.

"So? Should we go now?"
Robin ask as he leap forward.

I mutter as i walk away from him.

Narator : While Kalego,Balam and Robin-sensei are heading towards the teachers dorm, the BL battra members are really excited about today's meeting...

To be Continued...

So i like the idea of the both of them eating together so here it is! Im going to make more scenes like this in the future so stay tune! anyway hope u enjoy this chapter aswell!

Silence, you idiot ( Kalego x Robin )Where stories live. Discover now