Pokémon Tech School

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Yuki took out her Egg and placed it on her lap as she eats.

After 15 minutes, the gang finished lunch and decided to move on. They returned all their Pokémon, minus Raiden and Adeen.

Soon they saw a boy on a treadmill with five older boys surrounding him.

"What Pokémon is this?" The red-haired boy asked as held up a Pokémon Card.

"Uh... Zubat?" The boy on the treadmill guessed.

"Just because it's foggy out here doesn't mean your brain has to fog over," the red-haired boy said. "And it's a Pidgey."

The other boys turned up the treadmill, making it go faster and faster. The boy couldn't keep up and he fell on the ground.

"Bullies," Yuki growled. This reminded her how Gary and his friends would bully her.

Raiden and Adeen glared at the bullies.


The red-haired boy fell to the ground, holding his red face in pain as our heroine looked down at him.

"What's your problem? What did he do to deserve to be bullied by you?" Yuki asked angrily with her hands on her hips.

"W-We weren't bullying. We were helping him. I swear!" Another boy said as he and his friends helped the red-haired boy up.

"You call that helping?" Willow said, sarcastically.

"W-W-Whatever. We'll see you back at school, Joe," the red-haired boy said as he and his friends left.

"School? What School?" Willow asked as Yuki helped Joe up.

"Pokémon Tech. Pokémon Tech is short for Pokémon Technical Institute, a school for Pokémon Trainers," Brock answered as he pulled out a flier. "It's a boarding school for those who don't want to go around to collect Gym Badges. Once they graduate from Pokémon Tech, they automatically qualify for the Pokémon League."

"That's boring. I bet it's one of those snobby private schools only millionaire kids go to," Willow said.

"Getting into the league without badges seems like a cheap way of doing things," Yuki said. Where is this place anyway?" 

"You're actually here," Joe said.

The fog cleared up and they saw a big schoolhouse.

"Today's special class, fog battle techniques, has now ended. Tomorrow's lessons will be snow competition secrets," a woman announced through the speakers.

"Guess tomorrow they will make me a snowman again," Joe sighed.

"Do they always treat you like this?" Willow asked.

"My friends are just trying to help me," Joe said.

"With friends like that who needs enemies?" Brock scoffed.

"But they help me learn about Pidgey and its evolved forms," Joe said.

"If you know everything about Pidgey, then why didn't you answer them before?" Yuki asked.

"Sometimes I act like I don't know the answers because if I do, they make the questions much harder," Joe answered.

"That's mean," Willow said.

"No kidding. Who's in charge here?" Yuki asked, seriously.

Joe dug into his pocket and brought out a picture, "This is her. Her name is Giselle."

"A pretty girl with a bad attitude," Yuki snorted.

"Pika/Char," Raiden and Adeen nodded.

"If she's making your life so miserable, how come you carry her picture around?" Willow questioned.

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