I miss you

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Let's take a tiny trip back to season 4 of dynasty when everything was not so great. For the sake of this story imagine Steven was always here and Adam was always a vet in London. Btw it's Fal's pov/3rd person❤

It's been 3 months. I've been in this empty bed without my husband for 3 months. I've never been this worried in my life, Liam knows this is dangerous, he told me himself but I never expected it to be like this. Staying up all night going in circles wondering if he's ok. He told me he would call me when I got home, yet he hadn't called. I know he's okay, he has to be ok... Right? I'll just go to bed I think I'll wake up with clarity and it's all gonna be alright.

Time skip
I'm I wake up a few hours later with someone shaking me.

"Fallon wake up." 

I finally wake up and I see Sam standing over me.

"Whattttt!" I say annoyed.
"It's Liam." He said
"What about Liam..." I say worried.
"The cops are down stairs."


I grab my robe from my chair and Run down stairs.

"Mrs. Ridley?" The officer asked

"Yes, that's me." I say

Everyones down stairs.

"I'm sorry... Your husband was in a car crash."

My heart shaters

"No. No no no!" I yell shaking my head "NO!"

"I'm sorry for your loss."

"Fallon." I hear Blake and Cristal say but everything is a blur.
"He can't be gone. He talked to me this morning." I cried

"Fallon" Steven said giving me a hug.

No no no he can't be gone. I can't loses him I just can't-


"Fal." Steven says
"Oh my god!" I say with tears steaming down my face as I throw my self in Stevens chest.

"It's ok it's gonna be ok." He says

I need him to come home I just need him to come back. Please Liam just come home to me.

I'm sorry ok.
This was for @Melissa516588
I hope your having a amazing day/night❤❤❤

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