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I looked up, I sat in the backseat of my grandpas car. The leafs fell down the trees and the grey ground turned orange. The rain was so strong that I couldn't see through the car window.
"It's gonna be alright even tho it doesn't feel like it"
I just nodded, what else could I say.
My eyes traveled with the rain drops.
We where there. Our now I suppose new home?

Since my family died in the car crash I've been kinda off I guess. But I felt lost and could I do anything to prevent it. Could I stop them from going. Could I said something to Change there minds. All these thoughts based off something people said wasn't my fault. But it still was my family.

"Hey y/n are you okey" my grandmas face said with a comforting look. They tried to stay strong for me but they couldn't. There family died too.
" I'm fine, this place is kinda cool" I said forcing a smile on my face. She looked at me and I think she really smiled for the first time in 2 weeks. It made me kind of happy seeing her trying to be brave.
"You should see your room I think you will like it" she took my hand and walked me upstairs, she opened the first door there was. And wow I knew my grandpa had fixed this house with decor on the inside but this was really pretty, Really me.
It wasn't much but my bed was there, my family pictures, my bookshelf with all my books and last but not least my desk with my moms notebooks on.
I loved reading her notebooks idk they made me live what I couldn't I guess. I liked to feel and see what she saw. It made me happy to know that she was happy.
"I'm sorry honey it's getting late and me and your grandpa is going to keep unpacking, please try to sleep tonight you have school tomorrow"
"Yeah I will"
"Good night princess" my grandma came up to me and gave me a hug and kiss on the cheek.

There I was alone in my room, I just finished getting ready for sleep when I was going to take down my blinds. I looked out the window and there it stood a boy. With a girl right next to him. It looked like they where fighting. He looked at my way and I closed my blinded as fast as I could.
I didn't want too bother.

Next day

I was sitting at my desk putting on my mascara when I heard a laugh coming from downstairs. I finished as fast as I possibly could and ran downstairs to check what was happening. There was my grandma and grandpa laughing at each other. They where flour every where. I just took a fast look around til I burst out laughing.
Everything went quite and they where staring at me for a couple of second until they laughed with me.

I was on my way walking to school when I saw the same guy from last night but now he wasn't with that girl but a boy that looked exactly like him self.
But there was some differences of course like on of the boys had short hair and the other fluffy hair, on of the boys had an eyebrow slit and the other didn't.
I think I was staring to much because after a while they both started whispering and one of the guys looked up. And made the most awkward eye contact ever.
I looked away and turned my music up a little bit more and my steps got faster by a second.

I was finally in front off the big school building.
I walked in thinking someone would like spit in my face or something. But nothing, nothing happened thank god. I was going up to the principal office when I heard some cough behind me. The other guy from this morning. " ehm I was first so you need too sit down and wait for your turn" he said with I nice tone.
" ohh yeah sorry" I said obviously embarrassed.
Looking down trying to get past him to the chairs he stopped me.
"Wait aren't you that girl, from the morning" he said with a chuckle.
I just nodded, I really didn't want to talk to him.
"Oh sorry my name is Javon, and yours is?" He said while reaching for my hand.
" y/n, y/n y/l/n" I said while I let his hand shake mine. Our eyes met and his where really dark warm brown.
"Y/n " it was the stage principal. Our hands let go of each other's.
" Your welcomed in to my office miss y/l/n" a stern voice said.

I stood in the hallway confused at where I should go and witch classroom where which class. My head spun in a thousand. Til I saw a cute girl, she had long light brown hair and a nice nose piercing. I walked up to her.
" I'm sorry but where I the math classroom, I'm new" I said trying to be confident. Our eyes locked with each other. She look up at me witch a beautiful smile.
" oh yeah sorry I'm kylee. Let me se your schedule" she said scanning thru my classes.
"Yes! We have math together" her smile was even bigger now.

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