Stand back

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Heeseung and Jake had been dating for two weeks now, but they had decided to keep it on the low at school. Heeseung had properly broken up with Alicia already, but it would have been humiliating for everyone involved to see the two boys going back to suddenly being all lovey-dovey. After all that happened, they were even more aware that everyone at school was watching their every move.

Heeseung felt weird to go back to normal so suddenly. They were still sharing the same friend group, they were still talking normally, and they were still going to school together. But they had to be careful not to stare at each other for too long, nor touch each other too much, and in general, to be careful of each other's personal space. 

However, in Jake's case, it was outright unbearable. He said it, that he grew crazy about Heeseung, and it wasn't an understatement. 

Heeseung wasn't the most popular student from the blue Class for nothing. Beside being talented, his tall and lean body was hard to miss wherever he was, and he wasn't just charming and funny. He had this vibe about him, like he was always flirting. When his big dark eyes would land on you, there was no way out of them. And if he smiled too, then it was game over.

Which would happen way more often to Jake now.

And to not be allowed to touch him then, was a real supplice. He wasn't even allowed to stare at him, for God's sake! 

But Jake had always been an ace at hiding his restlessness. Maybe he was even too good at it, since it was also the reason Heeseung misunderstood him so badly before. He was so good, that people wouldn't even question his celibacy. 

And people also happens to include Alicia.

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