1) Build a Bridge and Get Over It

Start from the beginning

He swaggered to the back of the row, and slid easily into the seat, lounging back and putting his feet up. Is he serious? Maddie shot him one last glare, before paying her attention back to the front of the room.

Luckily for her, for the rest of class Gino didn't say or do anything to make her want to throttle him. And when the bell rang, Maddie instantly jumped out her seat, grabbing her binders as Kendall and Nia jumped out of their seats as well.

"Finally, this class is over." Maddie muttered to them as they exited the classroom, walking three thresholds down to Mr. Simmon's class, where Chloe had just exited his room as well.

"How was cranky-old Gale's class?" Chloe asked.

Kendall shrugged, "The same as ever." And then she smiled, her brown eyes glittered with devious amusement, "But Maddie and Gino had another moment."

"Did not!" Maddie protested.

"Did too," Kendall teased, "Oh my gosh, they were practically gawking at each other! What were you doing? Undressing each other with your eyes?"

At that, Maddie froze in the middle of the hallway, furious heat flooding into her cheeks as she swat at Kendall's arm. Nia and Chloe laughed, as Kendall groaned, rubbing her left arm.

"I was not!" Maddie nearly shrieked in protest, "I hate him! He's so annoying and arrogant , and- ugh! Guys, stop laughing!"

"Someone has a crush." Nia said, all singsongy.

"I love the banter between you two, but personally, I don't see why you hate him so much." Chloe shrugged, "I mean, so what if he's a bad boy? He's rich, hot, and has got the hardest abs I'd ever seen."

"So you're saying you've seen him without his shirt on?" Kendall asked, raising an eyebrow.

Chloe just scoffed, "I wish. No, but only an idiot couldn't tell, I mean, he goes to the gym frequently and wears nothing but X-armor."

"Why are we talking about him, again?" Maddie groaned.

"Did you hear that he hooked up Kalani Hilliker?" Nia said, and that only resulted in a chorus of groans.

Maddie rolled her eyes. Kalani was so desperate for attention that she'd hook up with anyone, and it wasn't a big secret that she's been wanting Gino for years now. It was only a matter of time before the queen bee and the bad boy would hook up with each other, Maddie was just surprised that it took this long.

"He's probably just sticking around her until he screws her, it's not like Gino's gonna actually date her." Maddie seemed to spat out the word "date".

"Lucky girl." Chloe deadpanned.

Was there seriously nothing else they could talk about other than her worst enemy? Nothing?

"You would actually want to be around that chauvinistic little pig?" Maddie asked skeptically.

Chloe tapped her chin, actually acting like she was thinking it over, which only served to annoy Maddie further. And then she nodded, "You may not like him for reasons that are beyond us, but that doesn't mean we can't like him."

"You're all delusional." Maddie grumbled, and the three girls started laughing again, just as they turned down another hallway.

"Well, let's go Mads, seventh period gym awaits," Kendall said, locking her elbow on to Maddie's and pulling them towards the girl's locker room while waiving goodbye to Chloe and Nia.

Both the girls changed into the hideous Franklin High gym uniforms and walked into the gymnasium, where their teacher, Mrs. Hawkins stood there with a clipboard in her hand and an unusual look on her face. Maddie noticed this look, but didn't comment out loud as the boys came from their locker room.

"Alright," Mrs. Hawkins said, ending whatever Kendall was chattering on about in Maddie's ear, "As of um, this year, a new fitness activity has been added to the P.E curriculum," Her eyes swept across the group before going back to her clipboard, "And that new activity is zumba lessons for four weeks."

Practically all the guys groaned, but this only peaked Maddie's interests. Maddie was already a dancer, so she had no problem with this new fitness activity, in fact, it's probably been the only one she wouldn't absolutely suck at. Kendall nudged Maddie and whispered, "Oh man, I can already imagine some of the guys trying to do zumba," She began cracking up, "This is going to be freaking hilarious."

"Agreed." Maddie smiled slyly.

"Yes, Consculluela?" Mrs. Hawkins asked, and Maddie's smile faded. Unfortunately, she had this class with the annoying pig as well.

Gino wasn't wearing his casual smirk, "I don't do dance."

Maddie couldn't help but opening her mouth before Mrs. Hawkins could reply, "Oh, what's this? Cocky, rich, confident Gino can't handle a little zumba?"

And just like it was back in history class, all the attention was back on them.

Gino glared at her, "Shut up, who asked you?"

Maddie's eyes narrowed, "I didn't ask, you're the one complaining. A little bit of advice for you; build a bridge and get over it!"

Like a tennis match, everyone's eyes kept glancing back an forth between Maddie and Gino.

"Dancing is stupid, like you."

Maddie snorted a laugh, "Gino, you're the definition of stupid."

oooh's and drifted from the crowd and Mrs. Hawkins wisely didn't say anything.

"We all know you like me Peanuts," Gino rolled his eyes, "You're just jealous 'cus of Kalani and I, just admit it."

Maddie's face flushed, "A-As if! Get over yourself!"

"You stuttered." Gino's smirk was starting to come back.

"Why would I be jealous of attention-seeking bimbo?" Maddie growled, "I mean it's not like you guys are actually dating, just using her until you find a prettier girl to play with."

Gino's smirk was gone and he glowered again. This time, Mrs. Hawkins stepped in, "Alright, that's enough out of you two! Anyway, as I was saying, we will be having this fitness activity and we will be doing it with partners."

Another chorus of groans echoed from the students and Mrs. Hawkins just blowed her whistle until everyone shut up. "You're partners were already assigned." She flipped a page on the clipboard, and Maddie had this sudden sinking feeling as if something bad was about to happen.

"...Joana and Kyle, Amy and Hugo, Sarah and Isaac, Kendall and Drew, Madison and Gino, and Kelly and Oscar." Mrs. Hawkins finished before exhaling loudly. WAIT, WHAT?!?

Maddie's blue eyes widened, she turned to Kendall, who looked just as shocked.

"What?!" Two voices cried out at the same time. Maddie and Gino looked at each other, glared for a moment before looking back at Mrs. Hawkins.

"Mrs. Hawkins," Maddie pleaded, "You can't be serious? Him?! Of all people, him?!"

Mrs. Hawkins made an exasperated sound, "Look, I'm tired of this fight between you and him, and it's time I punished you both. You guys are partners, and I'm not changing it; end of the story."

"But that's so unfair!" They whined again in simultaneously, and they glared at each other again.

"Take your own advice Ziegler," Mrs. Hawkins shrugged, "Build a bridge and get over it."

No, this was definitely not something Maddie could get over. Dance partners? With him of all creatures?

No, this was not good at all!


And there! First chapter done!

Dancing with the Bad Boy »mnzOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara