New Truths

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[Digimon Fun Fact]

So i've currently asked myself something only important to some people, Like Why is there 7 different versions of Graymon, that doesn't include GeoGraymon, but to my surprise that there are only 5 versions of a Bancho type of Digimon
Bancho Leomon
Bancho Lillymon
Bancho Stingmon
Bancho Golemon
Bancho Mamemon

But there are currently two (to my current knowlegde) to make anime appearances, Bancho Leomon from Data Squad, and Bancho Mamemon from the Digimon 2020 Reboot

Bancho Stingmon looks the best

/No One Pov/

Y/n: "NO!"

Shino: "YES!"



the two shared a glare with each other as Leomon watched the two arguing, both Y/n and Shino argued while holding different cooking tools, lucky for everyone, neither of them holding knifes, but the glares was enough

Y/n: "We made hotdogs last night! with Onions!"

Shino: "You make the curry too Spicy!"

Y/n pointed a Nerf gun at Shino as she held out a stuff teddy as a shield

Y/n: "Curry!"

Shino: "Hot Dogs!"

as the two's glare continued to grow as Leomon watched with feeling of concern on his face, the two are normally seen as close and open towards each other, but the siblings seem to have a clear disagreement between each other

Leomon: "seems like i have more to learn about humans then i first thought"

Lisa, who was currently watching a current news report on different mysterious appearances of different types of Digital Hologram Ghosts, each one having different types of monsters appearing in schools and hospitals, one story being completely impossible, a monster somehow having life the stolen from a young energetic student, she turned her head towards the children that she raised and clearly loved

Lisa: "thats normal, just wait for the name calling"

she stood up and turned towards the arguing pair while holding up her hand

Lisa: "Why not let me cook?-"

in a split second, both cooks turned their heads, eyes white with anger

Y/n + Shino: "SHUT UP MOM!"

the two began angrily arguing again, nether letting the other one wins the argument

Y/n: "Three days!"

Shino: "Spicy!"

they both looked at each other with different types of angry expressions while looking every similar to each other, but a knock of the door caused everyone attention to turn towards it, Shino quickly ran towards the door as Y/n walked away from the kitchen and towards his room, Agumon had been keeping to himself since yesterday with that digital portal opening and Y/n teleporting to some random road, random to most, but not Y/n, he walked to his bedroom door and opened the door to see Agumon struggling to bandage his arm for some reason

Y/n: "You good?"

Agumon: "Yes!"

Y/n leaned over to the side to try and see what Agumon was trying to bandage up, but he simply walked over and easily wrapped the bandage over his arm

Y/n: "There, thats the reason why doctors don't have claws"

Y/n stood up and walked out to see Kari and Tai holding Pizza, judgement covered his face

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