Let's tell mommy

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When the two boys reached home that evening, Maria was waiting, sitting on the porch.

When seeing her son, she jumped on her feet and ran to him. She didn't know what to say, so she simply took his hands, and looked at him with supplicant eyes.

"It's alright mom," said Heeseung with the gentlest tone. "I'm sorry I got mad the other day. It wasn't your fault at all."

She looked at Jake, for some kind of additional confirmation, and he smiled at her, putting his hand on Heeseung's shoulder to show her they made up.

Seeing Heeseung wasn't getting mad, she calmed down, and hugged her son.

"I'd never seen you like this," she said. "I didn't know what to do."

Heeseung took her hand and escorted her inside. There, he sat her down, and the two boys explained what happened.

"Oh, my dear," said Maria, very moved. "I'm so sorry Felicity and I's promise made you feel like this! I never realized it would put that much pressure on you."

"It didn't!" exclaimed Heeseung.

"It was me," immediately cut Jake. "I'm the one who put pressure on Heeseung about it. I'm very sorry."

They explained the misunderstanding, and concluded by a more positive note. As it happens, the fact that they were now dating.

Hearing that the two boys were now dating made Maria smile softly.

"That's good. I'm very happy for you two..."

And then, she went silent, and suddenly, tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Mom! Are you ok!?"

"Yes! Yes, I'm ok. Don't worry, honey."

Jake handed her a tissue to wipe her tears, while Heeseung was running to her side to consol her.

It's later that evening, while the two boys were walking up the stairs, that Jake whispered to Heeseung,

"I told you that this promise meant a lot to them."

Only then, did Heeseung realize that he was right.

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