Red, Blue, and Black

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TW: Themes suggesting suicide and the feelings that went along with those thoughts.
Again, if you need help or think these things too, please reach out to a professional.

Writing helps me work through things in my own life, so please understand that not everything is universal. Also, I've reached out myself for help and have found writing is my way of regaining my control. This is where a lot of the stories come from. I am in control, not my demons.

The color of life that slowly flows.
Scars from which are planted upon my skin.

The color of veins that intertwine from her skin to mine.
Road maps to the heart we share that can barely keep pace.

The color that consumes her life.
A void of which keeps her "safe," somewhere numb to the pain.

The colors of relief

The color of roses, which we love.
Those placed evenly spaced on a marble slab.

The color of the sky I see in my dreams,
As my family cries...

The color of the dirt that covers her pain inside.
Distant screams of victory from the demons in our mind.

The colors of regret

The color of flames, I assume, will consume us.
All while our family crumbles at our lies.

The color we passed to our family and friends.
The color we felt and never wanted to share.

The color of our tears as we see what we did.
They loved us, and we failed them.

The colors of realizing what we held in...
Corrupted the ones we loved.

Now those colors we feel are painted like our last sunset.
They drown in our unspoken words as we long for their home.

These are the colors no one knew we held deep inside.

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