Izumi managed to hear a little of their conversation. She almost always stuck her nose into other people's business, so she had annoyingly strong hearing.

°"... We should invite the siblings from 1-B to the Garden. It would be a good place to properly meet them."

Tokoyami suggested to his companions, who nodded in agreement.

°"Yeah, maybe we can become friends with them! I bet we'll do lots of cool stuff!"

°"I'd for one like to know how Izuku-aniki met them, Kero."

Izumi gripped the table she was sitting at, her nails digging deep into the wood. She despised hearing her brother's name. The brother who never learnt his place.

The brother who ruined their lives.

The quirkless reject that should have stayed missing.

As time ticked by, Aizawa poked his head into the door. It was now approaching the lunch break, and he seemed to be in a significantly better mood.

°"You're all dismissed for lunch. Tokoyami, Asui and Kaminari, follow me."

The trio looked at eachother before piecing together why. They then quickly grabbed their things and went to follow Aizawa.

An irritation filled curiosity convinced Yagi to try and sneakily follow the group, wanting to, yet again, stick her nose in other people's business.

In Nezu's office


Izuku had kept his adult form, happily talking with Kazuma about how things have been. Even though Izuku is younger than his brother, he was still proud that he was doing well as a hero.

He was, unfortunately, unsurprised at the lack of change in his twin or the Bakugous. However, a more important question pushed its way into his mind.

°"Brother, I have a question..."

Kazuma looked at him, nodding, saying that he was willing to hear him out.

°"Would you like to visit where I've been living these five years?"

Kazuma's eyes widened at the offer. This was a chance to see his brother's new home, of course he wouldn't miss out on it.

°"Yeah, I'd be more than happy to."

The young pro smiled, before registering what was said next.

°"Uncle Nezu, would you and uncle Aizawa be willing to join us? I have a feeling my siblings will be there, meeting eachother."

°"Oh that would be wonderful my young nephew! I'd be delighted to visit the Garden!"

Before anything that had been said could be questioned, Aizawa walked in with Tokoyami, Asui and Kaminari in tow. Smiling, Izuku opened his arms and the three students ran into them, all shouting his name happily.

This left poor Kazuma with just more questions, trying to figure out what in the fresh hell was even happening now. Izuku saw the look of confusion on Kazuma's face, chuckling softly.

°"Well then... After the school bell rings, we shall leave for the Garden."

He rubbed the top of Kaminari's head, as he knew how much the electric blonde enjoyed the affection from him. Kazuma had to admit, it was nice seeing his brother's gentleness wasn't lost after all this time.

°"What exactly is this Garden, Izuku?"

Inquired Kazuma, hoping that he would get an answer.

Izuku looked at his brother, nodding gently. Seeing as how he was bringing him there, he may as well tell him in advance.

°"The Garden I refer to is mine to care for, I entered the caretaker position the day I fled from my past."

°"What about the previous Caretaker? What happened to them?"

He was not prepared for the answer.

°"The precious Caretaker of the Garden was the father of mankind himself, Adam. For the Garden I reside in, is the Garden of Eden. And only those I deem worthy, may enter."

Silence, deafening silence. All that could be heard was the shocked stillness that followed the answer that Kazuma had received. He looked towards Nezu, seeing his indifferent smile.

°"Well my dear nephew, I suggest we allow the others to return to their business. There will be plenty of time to catch up as we visit the Garden."

On the other side of the door


Izumi was feeling a mixture of emotions, the primary one being of anger.

The Deku really was alive, and not just that, he'd managed to escape from them!

She ran back to the classroom, planning on getting the Bakugous to join her in following them, trying to enter this "Garden". She began thinking about what they could have meant by "those he deems worthy."

Her arrogance took over, smirking to herself.

°(Obviously I'll be worthy enough, I'm the daughter of All Might, and girlfriend to the ninth user of One for All~ how could I not be worthy?)

She muttered to herself, unaware that a certain, scarred boy had managed to hear her. He narrowed his eyes, wondering what she was talking about.

Before he could do anything else, he looked out of the window, as a small bird had taken his interest. The same bird that would watch him every day for the past few years, the one who seemed to try and keep him company, even when his father would be too violent with his training. 

Little did he know, this bird was a messenger for the Caretaker, who planned on adding the young Todoroki to the list of those he's saved.

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