My Fist Fight is Interrupted by an Earthquake

Start from the beginning

It looked like Percy wanted to protest more. And I couldn't help but agree. Speaking up before he could.

"He will get a second chance, right?"

Chiron winced. "I'm afraid that was Grover's second chance, Y/n. The council was not anxious to give him another, either, after what happened the first time, five years ago Olympus knows, I advised him to wait longer before trying again. He's still so small for his age. . . ."

"How old is he?" Percy asked.

"Oh, twenty-eight."

I felt like I was knocked back on my feet.

"What! And he's in sixth grade?" Percy continued.

"Satyrs mature half as fast as human, Percy. Grover has been the equivalent of a middle school student for the past six years."

"That kind of sucks." I spoke.

"Quite," Chiron agreed. "At any rate, Grover is a late bloomer, even by satyr standards, and not yet very accomplished at woodland magic. Alas, he was anxious to pursue his dream. Perhaps he will find some other career. . . ."

"That's not fair," Percy said. Continuing to fight for his friend. "What happened the first time? Was it really so bad?"

Chiron looked away quickly. "Let's move along, shall we?"

I placed a comforting a hand on Percy's shoulder as he stared at the ground in frustration. As suddenly an idea seemed to pop in his mind. Looking back up at Chiron hopefully as he spoke.

"Chiron," I said. "If the gods and Olympus and all that are real . . ."

"Yes child?"

"Does that mean the Underworld is real, too?"

Chiron's expression darkened. Mine along with it.

"Yes, child." He paused, as if choosing his words carefully. "There is a place where spirits go after death. But for now . . . . until we know more . . . I would urge you to put that out of your mind."

"What do you mean, 'until we know more'?"

"Come you two. Let's see the woods."

As we got closer, I realized just how huge the forest was. It took up at least a quarter of the valley, with trees so tall and thick, you could imagine nobody had been in there since the Native Americans. It felt so calm quiet and peaceful. And it made me feel right at home. 

Chiron said, "The woods are stocked, if you care to try your luck but go armed."

"Stocked with what?" I asked him questioningly.

"You'll see. Capture the flag is Friday night. I assume you two will be needing to borrow a sword and shield."

"Capture the what?" I heard Percy say.

"Size five or maybe six. You two are of similar size. Ah we will visit the armory later."

I seemed to brighten even more at that. A camp that had an armory was a pretty cool camp in my book. But we kept moving through the tour. We saw the archery range, the canoeing lake, the stables (which Chiron didn't seem to like very much), the javelin range, the sing-along amphitheater, and the arena where Chiron's said they held sword and spear fights.

"Sword and spear fights?" I asked curiously. Myself getting more comfortable with talking and asking questions.

"Cabin challenges and all that," he explained. "Not lethal. Usually. Oh, yes, and there's the mess hall."

Percy Jackson x Male Reader The Lightning ThiefWhere stories live. Discover now