Chapter 6: Nearly Getting Murdered On The Way To The Café

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So it's settled. I'm meeting Ron, Red-Haired guy, emo kid, whatever you call him at this café downtown. It's going to be pretty fun.

The café honestly is pretty mediocre, but it feels like home in a way. No trauma there, no people trying to sell you drugs, no idiots, just the smell of burnt croissants and chipped walls.

Somehow, the money under the carpet has gone missing.

I lift up the carpet, shaking it and examining the bottom of it to make sure that the dollar hasn't got stuck to it.

There's no sign of it.

I sigh. Don't tell me that someone else found it.

But nobody even comes to my house. It's only my dad here. And he's either drunk or outside drinking, so I'm not sure if it was him who took the cash. Maybe I got high and took it out instead.

I click my tongue, placing the carpet back into its normal position, before walking out of the door.

The sun is shining brightly, its light flashing directly into my face. I pull the hood of my jacket over my head and continue walking, until I remember something.

"Dammit" I mutter under my breath. I have left the house without taking anything with me.

I run back to the door, unlock it and slide in.

The minute I get back up to my room, I stuff a bunch of pens into my bag, along with a bunch of random papers.

There's something wrong, but I'm not sure what it is.

I bend down and pull open a loose floorboard, taking out a pill bottle. The lid creaks as I turn it open, pouring some of the medication into my hand.

Nobody's home, so I have no chance of being caught doing this. It's not like anybody would care anyway; people are just so self-absorbed all the time. It's the reality of life.

I gulp down water, swallowing the pills until they are all fully gone.

The familiar pleasure hits me like a brick. Not like a brick; bricks are hard and painful. But you get the idea.

I place a smaller pill bottle into the bag just in case, and walk off, actually leaving the house.

That café is within walking distance, a good 28 minutes away from where I live. It isn't exactly a short walk, but I'm too unmotivated to drive there.

Dominic's POV:

Is google maps really that messed up? It says I have 200 more miles to walk, but how can a cafe be so far away?

I start laughing , as I realize it's taking me to a café all the way in Texas. What a journey! I'm walking to a whole new state!

Now where actually is that café?

I type in the name of it "Koffee" on Google Maps again, but the only ones that show up are one in Germany, one in China and that one in Texas.

Ok, I guess I'll just walk around this area myself. It's not like I'll get kidnapped or anything. 

I immediately start walking down the road, looking out for the smell of coffee or whatever a café smells like anywhere.

I've noticed that there are a ton, and by a ton I mean, a ton of USA flags hanging around here. At every two stores, there will be a flag dangling from the window. This is quite-

"Watch where you're going, kid" a guy with a shaved head snarls at me as I accidentally walk into him.

I look him in the face. He looks pretty mad. "Sorry, mate"

"Don't call me that." before I know it, his hand shoots out at me, about to grab the scruff of my neck.

I pull myself away from him, and take a few steps backwards. I'm not necessarily afraid of that guy, but at the same time I'm not in the mood to get a broken nose.

I know that this sounds stupid, but can you still smell if you have a broken nose? I think you might be able to, but imagine not being able to do that. The scent of Dr Pepper and petunias would be long gone, and that would be a shame.

But why would I care about the scent of petunias; I've never even smelt one before. Maybe I have, but I'm not exactly sure what a petunia smells like. I suppose that it smells like a petunia. What else would it smell like then? Dr Pepper?

"You little-" the guy's harsh voice makes me snap back to reality.

I take more steps backwards. "There's no need to make such a big deal out of this."

"I'LL KILL YOU, LITTLE FREAK" I manage to dodge again as the guy attempts to shove me against a wall.

He thrusts his hand in his pocket, ready to pull something out. The sharp gimmer of a knife blade shone gently, ready to kill any moment.

I know that I have to get out of here. I immediately turn around and flee the scene.

I continue running, so not in the mood to get stabbed to death.

The concrete seems to be slightly endless as I continue running down it, taking multiple random turns.

My lungs seem to wrath as I continue fleeing. My asthma just had to choose to act up at this exact moment.

I stop running, leaning against the wall, wanting to catch my breath before anything gets worse.

I hear someone else yelling death threats; probably one of that guy's mates at me, not too far away.

I continue running away, sliding into an alleyway, right before leaping right in through a door. 

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