Chapter 1: Welcome To My Life

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Colson's POV:

What was in the needle last night?

Not something you would ask yourself the first thing you wake up of course. I'm not sure how long I've been awake for, nor what time it is, but all I remember was thinking that.

Sure, I knew the guy who gave me the needle, but there was just something fishy about it. It felt like there was sugar in it. But how would I know what sugar felt like? 

I'm jumping to conclusions now, and those conclusions don't even make any sense. Just fuck them. 

Pulling a shirt on, I start to walk towards the door, sighing. I could just skip class. But at this rate, I'll get expelled if I don't show up.

I click my teeth and start walking down the pavement unenthusiastically. I have faint memories from kindergarten when I actually wanted to go to that hellhole I went to at the time. Perhaps kindergarten wasn't as much of a hell as the rest of school. Elementary was decent as well. But other than that, god no.

I see the outline of the familiar grey building in the distance and curl my lip as I continue walking towards it.

Eventually, I ended up near the entrance door of the school.

I could leave now if I want to.

No, I cannot.

Yes, I should.

No, I should not.

I push open the door and walk into the familiar hallways, retching at the strong smell of sweat. Did someone have a marathon here or something?

I decide to ignore everything, everyone and continue walking down the hall, staring straight ahead. Of course, I'm surrounded by a bunch of fucking morons as usual.


Rook walks up to me, elbowing me in excitement. I flinch.

"What did you do that for?" I groan in annoyance.

He laughs. "Come on, lighten up."

A sudden idea comes to mind. "Yes, I'll lighten up." In a heartbeat, I pull out my phone and turn on the flashlight, shining the light directly into Rook's eyes.

"You absolute dickhead" Rook flinches, covering his eyes, taking steps away from me.

I laugh. "See you after class."

"You're a jerk, Colson. See you later."

The bell rings as I step into the room, taking a seat in the near middle. There's this seriously pretty girl who sits there; I don't know her name but she's hot as fuck, so I look forward to that class.

As I shove my books down onto the table, I stare at the sheet where the girl usually sits, waiting for her to come.

I tap my pen against the desk and wait. Class has already started, and she's still not here. I hope she isn't sick; that would suck.

I jump up hopefully as the door opens, and fall back down in my seat in disappointment when I see that it's not her.

Instead, some manic-looking guy with bright red hair walks into the room, shaking his head apologetically.

"I'm sorry I'm late, ma'am," he says. "The new student orientation took forever."

"It's fine. Just take a seat" the teacher says casually, brushing him off.

I grit my teeth as he takes the place of the girl, casually placing all of his stuff onto her desk.

I do not speak to him for the entirety of the lesson; he seems pretty annoying anyway.

Jeez, why am I acting this way? I'm being a dick for no reason.

It's probably because of.. well, never mind. Forget what I was just saying.

I wonder what that girl is up to... 

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