Chapter 5: Date night

Start from the beginning

"Dad, I was hoping I wouldn't have to tell you this way." I say, "dad...I'm a lesbian." My dad's face somehow gets even more angry.

"How could you embarrass your family like this Myra?" My dad yells at me. "Dad I can't change it! Its just something that-"

"You a disgrace Myra! And you're going to rot in hell! Now go to your room! I don't want to look at you anymore." he says. I don't say anything at all, I just run. I run up to my room and close the door. A few moments later I hear something click. I try to open my door, up the bastard locked it.

I don't know what to do anymore. I want to talk to Kana more then anything, but I don't want to bother her again. In the past few months I have done enough to her.

I decide to lay down on my bed and just rot there. Then I hear someone tap on my window. I look over and see Kana. I get up and open my window. "Kana! What are you doing here?" I ask, "and how did you get up on my roof?"

"Well you dropped your phone back there and I went to give it back to you. But when I came to get you, your dad answered the door and told me he didn't know a Myra, and thats when I figured something bad must had happened," She says. I let her in my room and I explain what happened. After we were both crying.

"Why didn't you tell me? I said I would have been there with you!" She says. "I had no choice Kana, he basically knew already," I say.

"I'm so sorry Myra, I didn't think this was going to happen," She says with her sobs dying down. I pat her on the back

. "It's not your fault Kana, if anything its my fault," I say. She looks up and grabs me by the shoulders.

"Don't say that Myra, its not your fault that you were born this way, you are who you are," She says. We stay silent for a while, then we check the time.

"Its almost 11, I should be getting home," Kana says well getting up. But before she could I grab her by the arm.

"Wait!" I say, "could you...Stay with me?" I ask. For a second I think I am stupid and that she will say no, but instead she smiles and says,

"Sure thing hun," my mouth opens in shock.

"Really?!" I ask, she smiles again.

"Well I can't let you be alone right now can I? Just let me tell my parents so they don't worry, okay?" I nod in reply. Kana texts her parents and then we climb into my bed. I lay my head on her chest and she wraps her arms around me. Then she kisses my forehead and says,

"Night babe."

The next morning we woke up together and Kana got out of my room a few moments later-but before a good morning kiss!-I don't think my dad caught us. Later when I get to school the halls seem a lot more empty then they usually do. Seth is waiting for me in the halls and we walk to class together. Once the bell for class rings we get our stuff and walk to class, until we hear a scream that sounds familiar.

"Kana," I whisper. Me and Seth look at each other, then we race down to where we heard the scream. We had to run down the hall and take a right and there we find something that makes me pretty pissed off! Kenzie is pinning Kana against a locker. I can feel my blood boil inside me.

"Its your fault Myra is a fag," Kenzie says. Kana looks like she's angry, she's not showing one bit of fear.

"Don't you dare call her that!" She says. Kenzie grins at Kana. I want to go over there and do something, but Seth grabs me and makes me stay behind. "Seth what are you doing?!" I ask him in a yelling, whisper so Kenzie doesn't hear us.

"I'm making sure you don't do anything stupid and get yourself hurt! If it gets bad then I will go in okay?" He says in a reassuring voice. I still try to get out of his grip though. After awhile I stop. Kenzie is still grinning silently at Kana. "You know, the day I met you, I was hoping we would be friends. But then I found out that you were a homo, I knew that there was no chance," Kenzie says as Kana tries to struggle out of her grip, "So I just ignored you for awhile and decided after a while Myra and Seth would do the same, But no! You just had to turn Myra into a freak and Seth into a traitor"

"You're the only traitor here Kenzie," Kana spits at her.

"Looks like talking won't make you shut up," Kenzie says, "luckily I know something that will." Just then she starts to rise her free hand and turn it into a fist. She's going to hurt her.

I feel hopeless at first, but then I feel something burn in me. Adrenaline. I rip my way out of Seth's grasp and before I know it, I grab Kenzie's arm and squeeze it as tight as I can, just before she can hit her. Kenzie looks at me with fear in her eyes, I just glare at her.

"If you lay so much as a finger on my girl, I swear I will hunt you down and I will beat you so hard you will be seeing stars," I spit at her in the harshest voice I can make. I throw her arm out of my grip and she runs off.

Now its just me, Kana, and Seth alone in the halls. Both Seth and Kana look shocked. Now that I think about it I have never act like that before. I hope I haven't scared them. Maybe I went a bit to-

"OMG! MYRA THAT WAS SO AWESOME!" Seth says with excitement in his voice, "You were so cool! I mean you were all like 'hands off my girl bucko!' it was AWESOME!"

Kana walks up to me and wraps her arms around my neck.

"So, i'm your girl huh?" She asks. My face turns a little red, Like always. "Well, ah-uh, you know what I mean," I say. Kana laughs and kisses my cheek.

"Sure I do," Is all she says in response, "anyways thanks for the help Myra." "Hey now, I couldn't just stand aside well my girl was getting beaten, now could I?" I ask. We all laugh a bit until we hear the speakers in the school come on. "Myra Hults there is someone here for you in the main office, Myra Hults," Then it shuts off. Me, Seth, and Kana look at each other.

"Who do you think is here for you?" Kana asks. "I don't know," I shrug, "but since I have to go down there, will you guys come with me?" I ask.

"Always babe," Kana says.

"Lead the way Chestnut," Seth says.

All three of us walk down to the main office. Seth on my right and Kana on my left, holding my hand of course. Once we get to the door I tense up a bit. "You okay Chestnut?" Seth asks me. I look at him and shake my head.

"No, I'm scared. What if its someone bad, what if its my dad taking me home and locking me up again," I say.

"Your dad did what?!" Seth asks shocked. Me and Kana briefly told him what happened last night. After, Seth shakes his head and says,

"I've always hated that guy, something about him was fishy." After that we walk into the main office and I see a face that is not bad, but good. A face that I haven't seen in 3 years.

It's Jackson.

My big brother.

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