"One girl? You mean she got more people in on it?" I ask. Seth nodded. "Kenzie got almost the whole popular crew to go against you, she told them about you and now they want to 'teach you a lesson'," Seth states.

"Well one thing's for sure, Myra is not going to be safe in school anymore," Kana says. Seth nods in agreement.

"Well what are we going to do? I can't stay here during school, my dad will find out!" I say. Seth and Kana think for a moment, until Seth comes up with something. "Maybe if we stay with you in the hall's then they won't bother you. And if they do then you will have people to defend you!" Seth says. He makes a good point there. I think Kana agree with it too.

"Then it's settled. It's friday so we won't have to worry about it for a few days. Until then, we are homefree," Seth says.

"Sounds good to me, I could use a small break of the drama," I say. "Well, I think we should be getting home before our parents start calling the cops!" Seth says. Me and Kana nod.

Seth gets out first and climbs down the ladder. Once he gets down I make my way towards it, until I feel Kana grab my face and kiss my heated red cheek All three of us get out of the tree house and when we get on the ground I stop Seth from leaving.

"What is it chestnut?" He asks.

"I just wanted to say thanks, for saving my butt and all," I say.

"Oh come on! It was Kana who showed you my text! Kana was the one who stayed with you all day," Seth says smiling an obviously fake smile.

 "Yea, but it was YOU who warned us about it. If it wasn't for you, I would have gone to school and I would have been beaten and embarrassed. You're the one to thank Seth," I state. Seth smiles his real smile this time.

 "Well, I couldn't bear to see my only best friend get hurt," Seth laughs, though I know thats fake too. It's hard for both of us to take fact that Kenzie is no longer our friend.

"Well, I'll see you later then," I say. Seth smiles a real smile once again before walking away.


 "Hey Myra, it's Seth call me back," I say. I lean against my school locker and slide down it. Today I had to come to school early because of band. I like the instrument I play and all, but MAN its embarrassing. That's why I have never told anyone but Myra. Myra...Its been 3 weeks! Why haven't I talked to Myra yet? I'm not scared of her...Okay maybe a little, but that doesn't mean that I don't want to be her friend anymore. Kana has done a good job at keeping me updated on Myra, she said that she's worried that were not friends anymore. I want to tell her that we are, but I don't know how I can face her right now.

"Myra, why did you tell me? Out of all people why did I have to be the first to know that you're gay?" I sigh.

"Myra's what?!" I hear someone say behind me. Dang it! Why did I say that?! I slowly turn around, hoping to see someone who is okay with the fact. But nope, it was Kenzie. DANG IT!

"Seth...Is this true?" She asks. I stand there with my mouth open, but no words are coming out.

"It is...Isn't it?" She asks in a voice that is quieter then a whisper. Once again no words come out.

"Well...Have you done anything about it?" She asks. Finally a few words come out of my mouth. "What do...you mean...by that?" I ask. Kenzie rolls her eyes.

"I mean did you beat some sense into her?"

"WHAT?! Why would I ever hurt Myra?" I ask. Kenzie rolls her eyes again. "That's not the Myra we use to know Seth! She's changed into something horrible and we need to teach her a lesson," Kenzie says. "W-we? When did I become a part of this?" I ask. Kenzie's eyes widen slightly.

"You mean...You're okay with that?" Kenzie asks.

"Well, yeah! I mean I don't see what's so bad about it! I mean she's not hurting anybody by being who she is," I say. Kenzie shakes her head in a disappointing way. "I knew it," She said. "You knew what?" I ask in confusion. She looks up at me with narrowed eyes.

"I knew you're just as bad as her," Kenzie says before pushing me to the ground. I know I should get up and run, but i'm to in shock. When Myra punched me a few weeks back she was just scared and didn't know what to do, and that was understandable. What Kenzie is doing is just plain MEAN!

Kenzie pins me down on the floor with her right knee cap on my chest. She cracks her knuckles and and gets them aimed at my face to punch me.

"K-Kenzie! Why are you doing this? I thought you were my friend!" I say with a bit of fear in my voice. She shakes her head in a way that makes her almost look like the devil himself...But with boobs. She grins at me in a evil way.

"Not anymore," was the last thing I heard Kenzie say to me before my face was meeted with her fist. She got me right in the eye! Like, what the heck?! She got a few more good hits on me, but not on my face scents I was now blocking it with my wrist. She keeps hitting my wrist at least 10 more times. I have to do something about this! But, how? Well I could...No, I can't! Its not right! But...I have to don't I?

With my right hand I slowly move it off of my face and do the unthinkable. I slap Kenzie in the face. Kenzie suddenly stops punching me and brought her hand up to her cheek. This is my chance. I push Kenzie off of my body and run down the hall until I was on the other side of the school. Okay I need to think. I NEED to think! Okay, pro's and con's, pro's and con's.

Pro's, I defended myself, I am no longer being beaten up by my so called 'best friend' and I might of lost 3 or 4 pounds from running away from her. con's, Kenzie know's Myra's secret, she almost killed me, and worst of all I SLAPPED A GIRL!

I don't care what other people think but GUYS do not slap GIRLS! It's like, a rule or something! Okay, Its okay, I'm just not going to tell Myra or Kana or anyone about what just happened and then everything will be okay!

Alright, now that I got THAT out of the way, I really need to do something so I don't get beat up by a girl again. *flashback over*"You okay Myra?" Kana asks me. I get out of my daydream state and look over at her. When we got out of the tree house Kana volunteered to take me home. Which I am happy about, I mean don't get me wrong, Seth is awesome, but I really like being around Kana for some reason.

 "Oh, yeah, i'm fine. I'm just...Thinking I guess," I say with a simple tone. I can see Kana grinning from the corner of my eye.

"Thinking about?" Kana asks.

"Just...Life I guess. I just know my life is going to turn into hell by monday," I say surprisingly calm.

"Well you know what they say...Life gets better."

Life gets better (A lesbian love story)Where stories live. Discover now