And somehow that led naturally into reminiscing by Graham and Julia. He spoke about his first wife, who had died decades ago, and about the changes Julia wrought in his life and in his company. A British citizen, she'd introduced the concept of Boxing Day to the Winslow family. They shared memories of Robert, too, focusing on his childhood antics.

Henry added some comments about happy memories, including the times his father took him along on his annual trips to play poker in Las Vegas.

Next Edmund and Irene started talking about their oldest child, David. An Air Force pilot, he'd died in Afghanistan in the summer of 2003. They talked about his love of adventure. His widow Paige and daughter Angela also added memories.

Then Luke and Betty spoke up. Neal was surprised to learn that Joe and Peter had another brother. Timothy had been about three years younger than Joe, and had died of SIDS as a baby.

Noelle prompted Rosalind and Viola to talk about their favorite memories with their mother. Joe's ex-wife was still alive, and even though their marriage had ended long ago and Joe got custody of their children, he had worked hard to make sure his daughters maintained a good relationship with their mother. "I want you to be comfortable talking about your mom around me," Noelle said. "She's an important part of your lives."

The girls shared several amusing stories, and as they wound down Viola looked at Noelle. "You said something about a twin sister."

Noelle nodded. "When I first met your father, I told him that we don't talk about Meredith outside the family, but you are family now. We're going to trust you with an important secret, if you think you can keep it. Will you promise not to talk to anyone outside this circle about her?"

With the promises made, Noelle asked Neal to share whatever he felt comfortable confiding about Meredith Caffrey Bennett. He started by explaining that his father, James Bennett, had been a cop who got involved with the Irish mob. Eventually he'd been caught, and his crimes were so serious that his wife and son and his partner on the police force were all sent into WITSEC. Neal told them that he grew up unaware of any of this, instead believing his father had died a hero. "I learned the truth when I turned eighteen, and it was such a shock that I ran away. To make a long story short, Noelle learned I was missing and asked her ex-husband for help finding me since he worked at Win-Win, which is a private investigation and security company. Robert farmed the assignment out to Henry, who tracked me down, and then we embarked on an epic road trip."

As Edmund, Irene and Noelle shared memories of a much younger Meredith, Neal came to appreciate how very much she had changed over the years. In WITSEC Meredith had to give up her career in catering, she had been asked to change her religious affiliation, and she had to hide her gift for music and languages. What did it do to a person to suppress almost everything you are? Meredith had shown up briefly at the end of Henry's birthday party in August, and afterward Noelle had described her sister as empty – as if Meredith had evaporated and a stranger the U.S. Marshals had named Deirdre Brooks occupied her body.

Neal frowned into the campfire. That wasn't what Peter wanted, was it? For Neal to empty himself of his past life and experiences, transforming into the perfect FBI employee?

Henry nudged him. "Cover for me, if they miss me." But Henry slipped away so stealthily that he wasn't missed. A few minutes later he returned, carrying his guitar, which he handed to Edmund Caffrey. "How about you go back another generation? Tell us about some ghosts of Caffreys past."

Edmund had come from a long line of itinerant musicians, and it was nearly impossible to talk about them without being inspired to sing. Soon Edmund was leading the group in singing "Let There Be Peace on Earth," followed by "I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day" and "Silver Bells." In that song Henry took the lead on a chorus turning the words into, "Baby Bear, Baby Bear, it's Christmastime in Hawaii," and the resulting jeers from Neal and laughter from everyone else brought the musical interlude to an end.

Caffrey Alohaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें