"What'd you stuff for her? Mr. Johnson?" Michael asked with a smirk.

"Yeah I'll see you two guys later," Grandpa said uneasily as he put his hat on and left.

"That wasn't funny, Mike!" Sam scolded.

The next few moments were silent Sam glanced at Michael until they could hear Grandpa's car horn as he left.

"I'm gonna make you a sandwich." Sam said brightly, Michael took off his glasses and shook his head.

"Don't bother," Michael said as he threw his glasses onto the table.

"Lose the earring, Michael. It's not you, it's definitely not you," he said.

"Piss off!" Michael said.

"No, all you do is give attitude lately. I also got a call from Stacy and she told me how you left her alone at the boardwalk last night!" Sam accused and Michael's eyes flashed with remorse as he looked at Sam.

"Is she alright?" he asked and Sam rolled his eyes.

"What do you care?" Sam spat.

"Come on, Sam. I didn't mean to. Where is she? Is she okay?" he asked.

Sam sighs, "She's fine now, no thanks to you. She's staying with a friend that she made, because she didn't want to be around you. But she also got jumped when she was alone."

"What?! What happened?" Michael demanded as he clenched his fists.

"Save it, Mike!" Sam snapped, "After what happened last night you have no right to, it was your fault that our eight-year old little sister was left there!"

Michael was about to reply when the sudden sound of motorbikes erupted in the kitchen. Sam and Michael stared in disbelief as the magically appearing bikes rode past the windows, their headlights were blinding out of the sudden darkness. Nanook was barking and Gracie was growling and hissing. Michael went into the living room and Sam followed behind, hearing the hoots of the guys outside. Michael headed for the door and Sam tried calling him back telling him to not open the door. Michael opened the door and all of a sudden the noise stopped, the lights were gone and there was nothing there. After a few seconds of silence once Michael had closed the door.

"What's going on, Mike?" Sam asked.

"Go take your bath," Michael said. Sam stood there confused for a moment before heading for the stairs.

Michael then goes to the refrigerator looking for something to eat. After Michael pulls out a carton of milk, he feels an intense pain in his chest and he drops the container spilling milk all over floor. After a few minutes he feels okay, but then he turns his head upstairs and slowly makes his way up the stairs unable to control himself. Michael goes to the bathroom and hits the door in frustration.

Sam is in the bathroom taking a bubble bath singing to the song on the radio he doesn't even notice the bathroom door open. Nanook is lying on the floor near the tub. When Nanook sees Michael, he starts barking and growling at him. As Michael takes a step forward, Nanook lunges aggressively at Michael.

Sam heard a loud noise and immediately gets out of the tub. He quickly puts on his bathrobe and goes to check out what happened.

"Mike? Michael, are you there? Nanook? Michael?" Sam called out as he walked down the stairs with me following closely behind. He reached the bottom and switched on the light where we saw Michael on the floor with a lot of blood on his hand.

"Michael what happened?" Sam asked.

"Nanook..." Michael managed to say.

"What about Nanook? What'd you do to my dog, you asshole?" Sam demanded.

"Nothing! I didn't hurt him! He bit me, this is my blood." Michael said as Nanook went over to Sam looking completely unharmed.

"Why'd he bite you, Michael, huh? What'd you do to him?" Sam asked as Michael stood up.

"He was protecting you," Michael said quietly.

"Your reflection in the mirror," Sam said astonished as Michael walked over to his reflection, it was some-what transparent reflection. Sam brought his hand up behind Michael he could clearly see his hand behind Michael.

"You're a creature of the night Michael, just like out of a comic book!" Sam exclaimed as he started heading up the stairs. "You're a vampire, Michael! My own brother a goddamn shit-sucking vampire! Oh you wait till Mom finds out, buddy!" he said as he continued up the stairs along with Nanook with Michael calling after him.

"Sammy, wait. Sam," Michael called out to Sam.

"Get away from me Mike!" Sam said scared.

Sam found Gracie and picked her up and threw her into his room and locked both doors. He could hear Michael pounding on the doors and trying to call out to him. Sam was searching through his comic books that were everywhere he was looking for the Frog Brothers' phone number with Nanook on his bed.

Meanwhile at the boardwalk, Stacy had her face buried close to Star, for some reason she felt she could trust her. Star kept Stacy close to her, stroking her hair as she watched Laddie from a distance on the rides. Star felt terrible for the little girl, especially since she was Michael's little sister. Sometime after Laddie's and Stacy's third ride, Stacy was beginning to get a headache, so Star decided that Stacy would stay with her while Laddie went on another ride.

"Don't worry Stacy. The boys will be back soon then we can leave," Star assures her. She knew that Stacy already bonded with Paul and was close to him, as he was with her.

"Good," Stacy murmured. Then Stacy felt pain in her chest and was breathing heavily.

"Stacy? Honey, are you okay?" Star asks with concern as she gently patted the little girl's back. "Do you need to sit down?"

Stacy's nods with her hand over her chest, "Yeah, I think so."

"Okay go sit down on the bench over there," Star told the girl pointing at the bench that was only six feet away.

Stacy went over and sat down with one hand clutching her head and the other one still over her chest. After a minute or two later she feels okay, Stacy then slowly turns her head and she sees a boy who looks twelve sitting on another bench close to her and pressing a wet paper towel against his cut knee. Stacy could smell the blood coming out and it smelled good to her, which shouldn't. Unable to stop herself she slowly walked to where the boy was with a hungry look in her eyes. She was getting ready to pounce on him but was stop when a pair of arms quickly wrapped around her waist, it was Star.

"Stacy, no," the female half vampire whispered.

Stacy looked and saw Star and Laddie, who got off from the ride. It was then when Stacy realized what she almost did. She wanted blood, and she couldn't understand why, but it scared her. Stacy couldn't help, but whimper and hug Star's waist. Star decided that it would be best for them to leave now and find the boys.

Fortunately, the boys were close by so it didn't take long to find them. When Paul saw Stacy looking upset he frowned and immediately went over to them.

"What happened Star?" Paul demanded.

Star quietly told him and the other boys what happened. The boys exchanged glances and then Paul took Stacy from Star and held her close to him.

"Are you alright Stacy?" Paul asked, his voice filled with concern.

"I'm scared, Paul," Stacy said quietly.

"I know. I'm sorry," Paul said sadly. Paul wanted to tell Stacy what was happening right now but it wasn't the right time just yet.

RIP Queen Elizabeth II. You maybe gone but your legacy lives on.

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