Chapter 4

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Ashton Deville:

'Popcorn. Why does it smell like popcorn?' I thought.

Stepping into my personal wing of the house, I scanned the room for Rebecca and Jenna. I rarely saw my maids. They came only when I called for them. It was probably because they were convinced I was a total asshole and arrogant. Or so I've been told.

"Good Afternoon, Mister DeVille." Jenna appeared from the bedroom with a movie case in hand.

I couldn't actually read it to clarify, but the way the title shaped and colored reminded me of twilight. She quickly pulled her hands behind her back at the notice of my gaze on it.

"A bit late for afternoon isn't it?" I replied. She looked taken aback but didn't answer.

I looked around and noticed how untidy the room was. A girl I didn't recognize walked into the room. She was actually beautiful. Her timid gaze met mine.

"Mr.Deville." she acknowledged with a nod.

I didn't answer. She was very fragile looking, but she acted as if she could beat anything in her way. Like a kitten posing as a lion.

I didn't like it. I didn't want her to be anything but weak and depressed.

I pulled my coat off and slung it on her on my way toward my bedroom.

After closing the door, I noticed the bed a bit ruffled. They'd probably been "hanging out" in my rooms, taking advantage of the fact that I wasn't here.

I felt a pressure at the base of my neck, the only warning sign I have before I get angry and do somthing stupid. It was like a drop of anger fell inside of me, starting at my toes, and filled up every time I found out someone on my staff had done somthing unacceptable.

What didn't they get? There was no talking. No coffee breaks. No flirting. No Favors. No waving in the halls. No adding extra spices to my dinner no matter how much it might make my food taste better. No music while working. No taking the kids to work. No electronics of any kind. No. That's it. Just No. This is not a Mom and Pop place where we are all relaxed and chattering.

I pulled on shorts and a loose fit t-shirt. It was going to be a long night and I was going to be ready for it. They needed to be reminded. And I was up for it.

No matter how sick it is, I like seeing people miserable. It makes me feel not quite so alone.

Nicole Carter


"Why am I still here? I could leave right here, an never have to see this place again.."

I thought this as I continued scraping the tile.

"Because then you would prove Dad and his stupid little wife right. So get a grip." I answered myself.

Apparently I got an easy task as my punishment. Scraping the pool of the green goo (Sombody elses punishment was to coat the entire pool in a disgusting layer of rotten egg smelling green goo with only a tooth brush and to sit in is until it was dry.) with one of those ice scrapers you use on your wind sheild in the winter.

The only problem was that the pool was like, almost a football field long. And my only other fellow pool scraper was Ronny, way at the other end.

I was lost in thought a moment, my arm continuing on.

Why did Ashton Deville have to be so mean? This weird way of punishing was so... degrading.

I thought back to earlier when I watched Ashton smiling at the humiliation of one man when he stooped his shoulders and bowed his head while he performed his task as punishment.

Secrets He Couldn't HideOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz