Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: Nicole Carter

I couldn't believe I was doing this. I crossed my legs and readjusted in the chair. The man across from me, behind the desk, smiled in amusment at my discomfort. He had a typical buisness suit on with, yes, a red tie. His hair looked thinning. Probably because how fiercely it was combed and gelled back. He looked like the kind of guy I imagine when I wonder how the government people in offices looked.

"Alain Debois" printed plainly on the desk's name plate.

"So, Miss..." he glanced down at application "...Nicole Carter?" I don't know why he asked me. He had the actual application in his hands.

"Yeah? I mean, yeah thats me..." I stuttered a bit. Mr. Intimidating Assistant Manager leaned back in his desk chair and smiled. I tugged at my skirt. Somewhere between first sitting down and now, my skirt had rode up. His eyes returned to the clip board.

"You've had no experience outside Greggory's Nursing Home or cleaning a few citizen's houses and baby sitting their kids?" He asked it casually as if we were discussing the weather and he'd just asked me my opinion on the chances of rain.

"Well, I was hoping that this would be my real first job. I know I'll have somthing like assistent cook or sommthing but-" I tried desperatly to make this work but he cut me off.

"How well is your ability to work as a unit with others?" he sounded like he was reading from a script or repeating somthing he practiced in the mirror.

"Honestly, I prefer to work with other people around, but I can work alone without a prob-" I had almost got all of that one in.

"Are you a self motivator? Or do you need the constant leadership and reminder to do your duty?"

"I can finish any job I've set my mind to." I guess this time I couldn't say he was rude when he interrupted, because he may not have known that wasn't the only thing I wanted to say.

"Do you have any particular skills that would set you apart from other participants looking for a job in this field of work?" he asked rather distantly.

'He's getting bored. He's probably already listened to dozens of people before me, and is tired of sitting in this office...' I took a moment to look at the room from the corner of my eyes.

'Yup, this is the typical boring office. A window behind the desk, overlooking a various boring buildings. A huge desk, taking up most of the room with a big black leather chair, and two very uncomfy chairs in front of it.  A fake plant, home phone, picture of some long dead famous person. Yeah, I'd lose interest, too.

I realized I hadn't answered anything and he was silent. I returned my gaze to Mr.Debois. His gaze was lingering where my skirt had rode up agian.

'Eww, pervert!' I thought and tried to readjust to hide myself. I wish I hadn't worn a skirt. This morning it had seemed like a good idea. It was a navy blue with buttons down one side. Cute and formal.

"Are you...experienced, Miss Carter?"

"Well, like on my application, I have voluteered at the nursing home and things like that, but my father wouldn't let me get a real-" I dragged my attention away from the various framed certificate's I had just noticed on one of the walls to meet his eyes. His eyes were on me, but not my face. I felt myself flush as I realized he wasn't asking about my cleaning ability. I stood angrily.

"Mr.Deboise...I'm leaving. Forget the job." I couldn't think of anything else to say.

The man simply kicked back and watched, amused. His eyes landing on my butt.

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