When you reached the wardroom, you were surprised to find the door slightly open. 'Don't tell me more of the executives come over to visit Haru? Man, I really thought they never give a shit to each other and only minding their own business. Who would have thought these guys can actually be caring with each other?' you were impressed with the assumption.

Silently, you headed over to the room and opened the door slowly to avoid making noise. In the room stood a man with vertical scar across his right eye watching Haruchiyo slumbering quietly. He looked utterly worried of the Bonten vice president's health. You were once again astonished as this was your second time meeting this man.

Takeomi Akashi.

"You are... Mister Akashi, right?" You spoke up, breaking the silence. Lifting his head up, Takeomi fixed his gaze at you. He wasnt aware when you arrived. "(Y/n)...hey." he murmured his greeting awkwardly. You smiled at him and shut the door close.

"I see that you have got some food with you, (Y/n)."

"Oh, these? I got them for Haru but you can have one if you want!"

"I'm more than willing to have one."

You took out one steamed bun and gave it to Takeomi. You placed down the paper bag on a nightstand sitting next to your partner's hospital bed. The older man heartily ate the steamed bun.

"This is delicious, (Y/n)."

"I know, right? It's Haru's favourite too. He loves steamed bun a lot."

"No wonder I kept seeing him eating steamed for these past two years.."

Takeomi stared at the half-eaten steamed bun in his hand. It reminded him of the time Haruchiyo munching on steamed bun in the meeting room while waiting for other executives to arrive. Haruchiyo looked very delight , as if he was the happiest person in the universe.

"How long have you been here, Mister Akas-"

"Takeomi. Takeomi is fine."

Takeomi corrected the way you addressed him. He pulled out his handkerchief and wiped his mouth clean. He turned his attention back to you.

"I didn't make it in time to meet Mia to ask about Haruchiyo. Say, what actually happened to him? Is he truly sick?"

"What? No, no. He wasn't sick. Not in the slightest bit. My man here passed out after I said I wanted to marry him."

"Marry...him? I thought you both were already-"

"It was simply a bluff. I was getting exhausted dealing with those guards back then. I didn't want to waste my time answering pointless question. The quickest way to solve the issue was to lie to them."

"So in reality, you both aren't married.."

"Yet. Not married yet. I'm planning to marry him in the future. I'm still figuring out the perfect timing."

You admitted sincerely, a huge grin plastered on your feature. You had been planning your future with Haruchiyo carefully. You couldn't wait for that future to become true. Takeomi was fascinated by your determination. Just from the way you talked about your future plan, he could tell how serious you were with Haruchiyo.

"Are you sure you want to have a future with Haruchiyo? His life can be... unpredictable sometime. I think you know what I mean, (Y/n)."

"Yes, I do. I can be in danger 24/7 considering I'm his partner."

"You are okay with that?"

"Takeomi, I know how it feels to live in underground world. This shit...isn't new to me."

Dear My Stalker • Haruchiyo SanzuWhere stories live. Discover now